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Week 5, of not being fed. I feel like a dog. Why wouldn't they just simply put food in my cell, and let me eat it?

I usually get plates of food, and wouldn't be able to eat it because of my chains, but now they even stopped doing that.

"They want to kill you."

"Maybe they do." "Yes, you need to kill them first." "No, killing isn't always the answer." "Yes it is, twat."

I felt weak, I couldn't even move. I have no strength, and the muscle I used to have, went away. Now it's just bone, and skin.

Believe it or not, I wasn't always in chains. They used to let me roam around the room, but 2 years ago, they chained me up, because I just got worse.

"Ugh, you need to suffer." I raised my eyebrows. "Why?" "You're too happy right now." "No, i'm not i haven't been fed in a month, and 1 week."

Then i heard random noises I couldn't identify. It kinda just sounded like shouting from multiple people. It hurt my ears. It wouldn't stop.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled. I squirmed in pain. "Making you suffer." I heard in a whisper.

I yelled. No one would hear me, though. Like always. It wasn't stopping. It would just keep burning my eardrums.

It got louder. I squirmed frantically in the chains. It didn't only hurt my ears, it hurt everywhere.

It didn't help when my stomach growled. I felt tears falling from my eyes. "Help!" I yelled. "Please!" I shouted as loud as I could.

The sounds got even louder, blurring out everything else. I couldn't even hear myself yell, I only heard shouting.

"Mum!" I felt myself yell, but didn't hear it. I continued to scream louder for help, but no one was coming.

I closed my eyes, tight. Why would they torture me, if I'm already dead?

"So how's it going?" Dan came up to my desk. "Fine. Why?" I asked. "Nothing." He looked suspicious, I could tell he was hiding something.

"What, is it?" I asked, staring into his eyes. He smirked. "Isn't it time for your weekly visit to Harry, anyway?" He said.

That infuriated me. "Ok, firstly, I've only seen i'm 3 times. Secondly, go mind your own fucking business." I spat in his face.

"Ok, ok." He smirked again, turning around and heading for the door. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I said to him. He pulled out his middle finger on me, then left.

I only visit Harry, because...I know he isn't crazy. He's already suffering, why do people make it worse? I figure i'd visit him, because he has no one else.

I put all my papers away into my folder in my desk. And closed it. I grabbed my suitcase, and got up from my rotating chair.

I walked down the hallway to see Dan in his office, in his chair. I looked in his room. "Fuck off!" I waved and smiled. "Have a nice day too, Louis." He smiled.

I exited and opened the clear glass door. I got into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the bottom floor.

Me and my boss had a love-hate relationship. He liked me, but also hated me. Same for me, I like him, but hate him.

He's the worst, good boss. If that makes any sense.

I couldn't get my mind off Harry. For some reason, I just couldn't stop thinking about how bad he is suffering.

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