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Right now is the best time of my life, and the worst. Louis and I are finally together. Although it's gonna be thrown away in 3 days. 3 fucking days. I try not to think about it because Louis tells me not to.

I'm gonna try and be happy today. Louis' sister, Félicité, is coming to visit me and meet me. I know she goes by Fizzy so I'll just call her that. I can't wait to meet her.

I already got, shocked today. And it was horrible, but it happened. Louis has visited me everyday. He has been such an amazing boyfriend. I love calling him that.

Before I knew it, I heard a knock on my door. I stood up, slowly. At least I'm getting used to walking. The door slowly opened. I hoped I looked okay, or at least presentable.

Then in came a brunette girl, about 5'6 or so. She was wearing a white shirt, with a collar, a denim jacket, and jeans. She was pretty. He looked a lot like Louis.

She smiled. She had makeup on I could tell. The door closed and she came in and shook my hand. I smiled at her, I didn't want her to feel scared, because I haven't harmed anyone in a long time.

"So, Your Harry?" She asked. I nodded, "And your Félicité?" She nodded. "You an call me Fizzy." She looked comfortable around me. That made me glad. "And your my brother's boyfriend, huh?" She asked.

I nodded, "Your brother is an amazing person, that I'm happy to be with." I smiled. "You're very sane, how are you in a nut house?" She put her hands on her hips.

I sat down, and she sat in front of me. "Well I haven't always been sane, but when you have a death sentence, you have to stay." I shrugged.

"Wait you have a death sentence?" She questioned. She raised her brows like she was surprised, but I bet she already knew. I nodded. "I don't really wanna talk about it." I spoke.

She nodded, "I understand." She stared at the ground. "Gemma was your sister?" She looked at me. We made eye contact. "Yeah she was." I chuckled in despair.

"She was my best friend." She smiled. "She was?" My eyebrows raised. "Yeah, we went to uni together, we shared a dorm." "Wow, How come I never knew?" I asked.

"Probably because we hung out in the dorm all day long, and never talked about family. " I shrugged. "Makes sense." "She was really cool, she liked all the cool bands, she always had perfect makeup, and dressed flawless."

I chuckled. "Yeah I always thought she was cool. Made me think I was cool, but I wasn't." I chuckled again. I didn't want anyone to feel back for me. I'm not in the mood.

"I felt so cool to be her friend." She smiled. My head faced the floor. It's really hard to think that we were talking about my departed sister. I never thought this would happen. I always thought Gemma would out live me.

"You know, I would've loved to have you has a brother-in-law." I smiled. "I would've loved to have you as a sister-in-law." I looked at her. "What's wrong with your mum?" I asked.

She frowned. "Well...she has Leukemia." She sniffed. That's horrible, cancer is such a bad disease. "Oh my god I'm so sorry." She wiped her tears. "Yeah." She cleared her throat.

"Is that why she didn't call Louis back?" She nodded. "She was diagnosed the day Louis left. She's been suffering for 6 years. Except the day she was diagnosed, she was told she had 8 months to live," She wiped her tears again," but here we are 6 years later." She chuckled.

My chest hurt. Louis' mum is on her death bed. She could die any moment. I'd never want Louis to go through what I went. "She might die this week...her heart rate has been lower than ever." She continued.

"I can't believe this. That's so sad." Louis is losing everyone, and he doesn't even know it. "How come you never told Louis?" I asked. "Louis is the only one of us, who doesn't know mum has cancer. We want him to stay happy, to stay him. We don't want him to go through pain. He was so close with our mum, we don't want to break his heart."

I agreed with that explanation. "It's best you don't tell him then." I replied, with a reassuring smile. She smiled back wiping away her tears, "Sorry for crying, I don't usually get emotional." She said.

"No, it's okay. I know what it's like to loose someone you love a lot." She rubbed my back, "I know." She smiled at me. I smiled back. I heard the doors unlock.

The nurse peeked her head in. "M'am, your time is up." Fizzy nodded. "Bye Harry." She waved. "Bye Fizzy, I'm praying for your mum." "I'm praying for you." She smiled, then exited.

*2 Days Later*

Louis sat in my lap. His head tucked into the crook of my neck. I was embracing him, and he was to me. Then I ran my hands through his hair. He snuggled into my chest.

"Harry?" He spoke up in a raspy voice. "Yeah, babe?" "I love you." I smiled. Tears came to my eyes. He didn't even know he was about to lose everything. I decided to keep it to myself.

"I love you too." I kissed his head. I felt him smile into my chest. I wiped my tears away trying to hide them from Louis, but failed. "Love, what's wrong?" He looked up at me with his deep blue eyes.

I shook my head. "Nothing." He pouted his lip. "Babe, tell me, we are a couple now, you can tell me whatever." I rolled my eyes in defeat. "I'm gonna miss you Lou bear." I kissed his cheek.

"Why where are you going?" He tried to ignore the fact they are taking my life tomorrow. He believed I wasn't going to leave. He kept a promise, and he was determined not to brake it.

"Louis." I raised my brows and shrugged my shoulders. "No, no, your not going anywhere." He got up and stood in front of me.

"Your gonna be fine, I'll visit you again, tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. You'll get on parole again. This time you won't break it. We'll get married, then have kids, then our kids will have kids. We'll grow old together.  You can meet my mum, and my family. Harry you're not going anywhere." As he spoke tears grew in his eyes.

He fell to the ground, and threw his head into his hands. He accepted it. He knew. I don't want this to happen. I don't want him to have to go through what I went through. I still haven't accepted it. I'm not ready.

But I nodded. "Yeah, Louis." His head shot up when he heard my voice. He walked over to me, and sat back in my lap. I smiled tucked hair behind his ear.

I chuckled. "We will grow old together, we are gonna have kids, and get married, and everyday of our lives will be better than the last. We will have our dream wedding and an unforgettable honeymoon. Your gonna get a less boring job, and we'll become rich. The whole world will know our names." I smiled at him.

He smiled, through his tears. "Harry, you've ruined my life in the best way possible." We chuckled. Our lips connected in a slow intimate kiss.

We pulled away. "Can we have a date? Tomorrow?" Louis asked. This boy doesn't deserve anything that's about to happen to him. He needs to be loved, and have a happy life. He can't have this hell.

"Of course, Louis. Of course."


Omg this is such a sad book. Well Maybe next chapter will be the last then i'll have an epilogue.

The date kinda reminds me of the office, when Michael leaves. When Jim said he was gonna go for dinner with him. Yeah, I cried.

But yeah, this is the end. So much tears writing this book. I know it isn't very popular but whatevs idrc.

Well that's it! tah tah for now! (tigger)

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