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"So Harry" He started as he was sitting in his leather chair, and had a desk separating us. "How can you prove you're save? You've been marked as our least safe person here."

"I don't plan on hurting anyone. I regret hurting anyone. It's wrong, and I've never been an evil person. It's just the voices, but they've gone away."  He nodded writing stuff down.

"Ok, anything you'd like to add?" He said looking up. "Yes" I started, "I just want to go home. I know nobody will be there for me, or talk to me, but I know my family is watching somewhere, so technically I'm never lonely. I feel like home, is where my happiness is, and I've lost my happiness years ago. But...I feel like I've found it again." I thought of Louis.

He smiled. "Thank you very much, Harry." He spoke as he stamped something on the paper, then slid it over to me. It said "accepted" Yes. I was accepted for my parole.

"Thank you so much, really, this will change my life." I said, excitedly. He handed me a few papers to fill out.

I filled out all the papers, and the nurse led me out. She walked me to the front, and handed me new clothes, and a bottle of the white pills.

"It says when to take them on the bottle." She pointed it out. It said once a day, at whatever time.

I nodded. She showed me to the bathroom where I could change. I went into a stall, and removed my grey outfit.

I put on black jeans, and a black shirt. I may have requested these sometime back. But I opened the stall, and washed my hands, because it felt dirty in there.

I walked down the hallway to meet the nurse again, as I handed her the clothes. She put them behind a desk.

I held my pills, and papers in my hands. Then she nodded and showed me outside. I stepped outside. I haven't been outside in 3 years. It felt good.

I thanked her even though I hated her. There was a cab waiting for me. I walked up to it, and sat in the back.

"Where to?" He asked. I gave him the directions to my house. He started driving. Well this was strange. I saw a bunch of people on the streets walking and talking.

I wasn't used to it. Then we pulled up to a familiar driveway. I smiled. I exited the car, and thanked the driver.

He drove away as I walked up to my house. I remember keeping the key under the mat. So i checked under the brown mat, and there they were.

I unlocked the front door. I looked around. Nothing has changed, ever since I was taken away, nothing changed.

"Hello?!" I shouted throughout the house making sure no one broke in or something. No response.

I smiled as I walked up the stairway. I got to my family's room. It was completely clean. It looked the way it did, before they died.

I walked into the room, and sat on the bed. I had flashbacks of my mum telling me stories, and talking to me about absolutely whatever.

I smiled. But my smile slowly faded. "They're gone." I whispered to myself. They will never be back in this bed ever again. It's like I was missing a part of me.

I stood up from the bed and walked downstairs. I covered my mouth as I entered the kitchen. The chocolates. They were still there.

The chocolates Liam left, the day he died. Or should I say, the day I killed him, the day I lost myself. I was taken to the asylum that day.

I started getting flashbacks of that last day we talked. I killed my best friend. My only friend. The friend I knew my whole life was Liam, why did I kill him?

I turned my head towards the door as I heard someone knock violently on it. I jogged to the door and opened it.

It was a woman who looked very scared. She didn't have any hair, she probably shaved her head. There was brown stubble instead.

"Can I come in?" She asked frantically. I had to think on the spot. "Yeah, i gu-" She shoved me to the side and entered my house.

I closed the door, As she was panting. I turned around and looked at her better. She had a white baggy shirt, with black ripped skinny jeans. She had a few tattoos, and makeup.

She was pretty, not ugly. "Hey." She spoke, "You look familiar." She furrowed her eyebrows. She had an American accent, what was she doing in England? I shrugged, and pouted my bottom lip.

"Wait...Aren't you the guy that was schizophrenic and killed his family and best friend, and like everyone who entered his house?" She stopped panting.

I looked down, disappointed in myself. "Yep, that's me." I frowned. I crossed my arms. "I'm sorry." She spoke, and rested her hand on my shoulder.

She put her hand out, for me to shake it, "I'm Ashley, Ashley Frangipane." I shook her hand, "But my friends call me Halsey." I gave her a side smile.

"I like that name." She smiled. "I'm Harry Styles." I spoke. "I know." She giggled. I let go of her hand.

"Why were you running?" I asked. "Well I'm actually kinda like you." She gestured to me. I gave her a confused look.

"I'm schizophrenic too. And I kinda just killed someone." She itched the back of her head. That made me felt better, I'm not alone.

"And..." I motioned for her to keep going. "Well someone saw me do it, and started yelling at me. I hope they don't look for me."

"It's ok, if someone comes you can hide here." I said. "Oh my god, thank you." She hugged me, I hugged her back. "No problem."

We released as I heard a knock on the door. I gestured for her to go and hide. As she did, I opened the door to the cops.

"Hello, Harry, Sorry to disturb you, but have you seen this woman?" They showed me a picture of Halsey. How did they have a picture that quick?

"Nope. Why what happened?" I asked trying to act like i've never heard of her. "Well she just killed someone and ran off, someone said she ran in the direction of your house, so we figured we'd ask you."

"Well, I've never seen her." I said. "Ok, thank you." I shut the door. I sighed. "You can come out now!" I yelled. She came out of the pantry in the kitchen.

"Thank you so much again." She said. "No problem." I smiled. I walked over to the sofa and sat down.

"It's not nice to lie."

No. Why is it back?

"Everything seemed too perfect. You just started to get happy again. You made a new friend, got on parole, what else could you wish for? Maybe it's time you ended someone."

"No." I spoke a little loud. "What?" Halsey looked at me. "They're back, I took a pill, but now it's back." I started to breathe heavily.

"Harry, Harry, Its ok, remember it's only your conscience. It may sound like they want to hurt you, but you don't wanna get hurt. Do you?" He placed her hand on my shoulder.

I shook my head. "Then fuck them, screw them. They just wanna make your life a living hell, don't let them. Don't let them turn you into someone your not."

I've never thought of it that way. "But they already have."

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