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(A/N i'm not mentally ready for this)
I was woken up by people grabbing me aggressively by the arms. I shouted for them to stop, but they ignored me. They took me out of my room.

They brought me to a room I never saw before, but they chained me to a chair, and I was facing a mirror. I haven't seen what I looked like in 4 years.

It was strange. I was pale, and dry skin. Then there was a woman behind me with scissors.She started cutting my hair. I had long hair. It became a part of me, Its what made me, me.

Tears flooded my eyes, when I saw that part of me go. My hair was my personality. They chopped and chopped. There was hair all over the ground.

It's like they just stole my dignity, and threw it on the ground, like it was paper or something. I've lost everything and they just took more. I looked at my hairless self in the mirror with stubble left on my head.

They unchained me from the chair. And took me to a woman holding a box. "Please empty your pockets." She spoke. "I have no-" Then i felt a picture in my pocket.

I raised it to my eye sight. Then the tears fell. It was the picture of me and my family at the water park when I was 6. She shook the box like telling me to put it in.

"Can you give this to Louis Tomlinson?" I asked, putting it in the box. "If we see him we'll give it to him." I nodded. The people grabbed my hands again, and tightened their grasp. I didn't even try to fight it. I've lost my strength.

They took me down the stairs and into the basement. 'This can't be it.' I thought to myself. I'm not ready. This can't happen. I'm still willing to fight to live for my family.

They threw me on the ground at the entrance of the chamber. The Warden walked in front me. "Please don't do this to me." Tears fell from my eyes. "Please."

He ignored me and kicked me into the chamber. There was glass so people could see me die. Cruel. Just Cruel. I stood up as my legs wobbled.

I saw Louis on the other side of the glass. He ran up to the glass and started pounding on it and shouting my name. His eyes were flooded with tears. I ran up to the glass.

I shook my head. "No! No!" I shouted. "Harry I love you!" He shouted, sobbing. "I love you too Louis!" I shouted back. Then white gas came out of the little holes in the ceiling and floor.

I shook my head, tears falling from my eyes. "Louis save me!" I shouted. "I'm trying!" He shouted back.

"I'm not ready, It's not time yet!" I started to feel dizzy, and my head started hurting. It was getting to me. I couldn't let it, I fought and fought trying to stand as Louis was pounding on the glass.

"I'm not ready, Louis." I cried, falling to the ground and Louis screamed. My eyes started to close."I'm not ready..."

I screamed so loud. That image was stuck in my head permanently. Harry lying there, pale, skinny, no hair, just put out of his misery. I grabbed my hair and yelled so loud.

I sobbed, and fell to the ground. "Harry." I spoke softly. He had nothing left. He only had me. I've never loved someone as much as him. I've never watched my whole life flash before my eyes.

He tried to hard to fight, all he wanted was happiness, and when he got happy again, he was killed. He finally found his happiness and it came and beat him and stuck him in a gas chamber.

A woman opened the door and my head shot over to her. She was holding a picture or something. I stood up, my face running with tears. She handed it to me, "Harry wanted to give this to you."

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