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(a/n it's gonna be harry's pov for the best few chapters)

I heard someone knock on my door. "Kill them." I ran out of pills, I also don't know where to get them. So I have to go through the pain.

I got up from my couch and walked over to the door. I looked through the small hole in the door. It was Louis. A small grin came to my face. "Stop yourself"

I opened the door and let him in. He had a bag in his hand. He shook my hand. "Thank you, so much." I thanked him. "Don't thank me, you went through hell, you needed help to get back on your feet." He smiled.

"Do you have any food?" He asked. "No, I've only lived here for 2 days and i'm extremely dehydrated. I have no water or food." He smiled. I tilted my head, as I was confused."He likes your pain."

He went in his bag. He gave me a very large carton of water, and a bag of mixed fruit. I smiled, largely. I hugged him. "Thank you so much."

I finished showing Louis around our house, or my house. "Do you have any clothes?" He asked. I shook my head. "I've been wearing these clothes ever since I got here." I replied.

"Your gonna go back soon." "Back where?" "Back to the asylum." I tried to ignore it. Louis looked over at me giving me a thumbs up as I did back.

"You can never ignore me, I'm always here, and you can't do anything about that."

I started to get a headache. I rubbed my head. We went into my parents' room. Louis looked around. "Is this your family?" Louis asked looking at the photo where we were at a football game.

I smiled and nodded. "You look so...happy." I frowned, realizing how little i've smiled these past years. "Happiness is for weak links." I sighed.

"What happened to that Harry? Where did he go?" "I lost him...years ago. I'll probably never find him again." I looked at the ground. Louis put his hand on my shoulder. "Yes you will, I promise." I looked into his ocean eyes. "Thank you." I had a straight face.

He put the picture back. "Just out of curiosity, what would happen if you killed another person and they sent you back to the asylum?" He asked.

"I'd get a death penalty, and have to get beaten everyday for a month, then they put me in a room with toxic gas and have people watch me as I die." "Well, don't kill anyone." Louis said then chuckled a bit. "Kill him, don't let him get to you." "I think you should leave."

The voices started shouting in my head again. Speaking words i couldn't understand, I could still hear myself though.

"What why?" He questioned. "J-just g-go." "Harry" "I said go!" I shouted at him, I threw my arm at his jaw and heard a large crack, as he fell to the ground. It took me a minute to realize what I just did.

He fainted. There was blood coming out of his mouth. "Louis!" I felt myself say, but didn't hear anything. I looked around for a phone to call the emergency number, but there wasn't a phone.

I bent over Louis and grabbed his cheek. The voices were getting louder every second. I put my hands over my ears as if it could help stop.

I felt something on my fingers, and when I looked at it, it was blood. Except it went blurry, everything started shaking.

I felt tears running down my eyes. I saw the picture Louis was looking at. "I won't leave, ever! I'll never give up! I'll keep going for you!" I shouted at the picture, but heard nothing.

All i heard was shouting. It's like someone was screaming as loud in my ears as they could. I looked at Louis, in a pile of blood laying on the ground. I got flashbacks of Liam.

I can't lose Louis, he's all I got. I started shouting "help" as loud as I could and hoping it would get me somewhere. I shouted for what seemed like hours.

A cop entered the doorway of my parents room. I recognized this cop. He started speaking, but I couldn't hear him and just sat their with my knees pulled to my chest.

He was the cop that was there when my family was murdered. He helped me. The voices slowly went away. I could hear him.

"W-what?" I asked. "Harry, I don't want to take you back to the asylum. You don't deserve that, not that innocent little boy." I felt tears running down my face.

"I-I" "Just tell me you didn't hurt him." He spoke. "I-I" Those were the only words i could get out. He grabbed my shoulder.

"I don't wanna die." I finally spoke. "So you did hurt him?" I nodded slowly. He handcuffed me, he was taking me back. I was gonna die. So many thoughts running through my head, but I was still in shock.

"What about Louis?" I finally spat out. "The ambulance is on its way." He took me to the cop car. There was blooding running out of my ears.

I sat in the back, as he started to drive. "Harry I didn't want to do this." He spoke. "I never wanted to have that little 18 year old boy in an insane asylum where he was one of the most psycho people there."

I looked down at my feet. There was crumbs in the car. "A-am I going to die?" I said slowly. He looked at me in the mirror. He didn't say anything.

He just turned back to looking at the road like I said nothing. "If your going to kill me, make sure Louis is fine." I spoke up. "We will." I nodded.


I slowly walked into the asylum. 3 Days, 3 fucking days. I had my chance, but I ruined it. I could've been fine, but I hurt the one person who was helping me. He was the one who kept me sane.

I heard loud screaming again, by nobody was screaming. I heard multiple shouting, shouting in weird languages. My hands were cuffed together, so I brought my head to my hands.

I stopped walking. Then the cop grabbed my arm, and started pulling me. They pulled me across the dark familiar hallway. Then brought me to the same room at the end of the hall.

Every time I'd try to concentrate on something else they'd get louder. They ears started bleeding again. I didn't even try and get out of their grasp, I knew i'd make the voices louder.

Before I knew it, I was tied up to the same chains, with the metal face mask. Sitting down, with my back against the wall. My arms pulling in different directions, with my feet pulling apart.

The voices just got louder. I shouted as loud as I could, but it didn't relieve any pain. They wouldn't stop. This is the longest it's gone on for.

"Harry" Then the voices stopped, when I saw him.

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