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I yelled so loud. The shock went through my whole body. Making it so I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't even open my eyes. The shock went on for exactly 10 minutes.

I counted every second. They raise the time every day. When it ended I could finally feel my limps again. I sighed in relief. I looked at the warden. "W-Why are y-you doing t-this?" I asked.

They unstrapped me from the table and put me on the stretcher. He leaned over me. "This is what you deserve for killing that many people and also lying straight to my face." He spit.

"I didn't lie. I thought I was fine. I-" I paused. "I guess I do, deserve this." The warden nodded. They rolled me down the hall to where I was expecting to see Louis waiting.

I couldn't see him at first. Then I saw him, he was crying. We made eye contact. He gave me a weak smile. What was wrong? Did I do anything?

They opened my door, and locked up my left foot. I liked being able to walk around. It made me feel more free. Which I haven't felt in almost 4 years.

They closed the door, but it was soon opened up again for Louis to come in. He had puffy eyes and a blochy face. Seeing him like that made me sad. He never should be sad. A man like him deserves every little bit of happiness ever.

They locked the door. Louis just stood there. Unable to sit down. He just stared at me. Through his tears he smiled. He let out a small chuckle before he wiped his nose.

I got up and slowly walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him so tight. He hugged back, tucking his head into my neck. He was a few inches shorter than me.

He cried into my shoulder. "I-its ok." I spoke. "No it isn't." He cried harder. We released. My legs were numb. Probably because they weren't used to walking this much.

I fell to the ground. Louis immediately kneeled down to me and asked if I was ok. Which I said I was. "Louis," I sat down, and he just stood there, "What?" He replied.

"What's wrong...please tell me." He sniffled. Then he finally sat down in front of me. He grabbed my hand in his small ones. He took a deep breath.

"I-I love you." He spoke. I smiled. Then my eyes started to tear up, when I realized that I'm all he has left. I love him too. People say that you know when you've fallen in love. And I know.

I frowned, both of us knowing nothing good can come out of what we are saying. I wiped my nose. "I love you too." We both cried.

We both knew that we were meant to be. That we were soulmates. But we can't be together. We were meant to grow old together, and have kids. I've always wanted kids.

Louis put his forehead on my shoulder. He cried for a bit. Then he looked back at me. It was quiet, but not awkward. "Louis," I started. He contained eye contact, "I'm not ready."


"You w-won't die. You'll make it." I reassured him. Even though i had a feeling deep down that i was lying. And i didn't like it. Harry shook his head.

"No let's not talk about this." I spoke. I didn't want to think about this. Not now. Harry nodded and wiped his nose. "So" I started talking hoping my mind would find a sentence. Then I though of a topic.

"Tell me about that water park." I smiled. Harry smiled. I saw a light in his eyes when I brought the subject up. I could tell he had a soft spot for it.

"When I was about 5, we went to this place in America. I think we were in California. But," Harry started. A big dorky grin formed on his face. I grinned back at it.

"I forget what the water park was called. But I was too small to go on the big slides alone. And I was an ambitious kid." He started laughing at himself. I laughed at his cute laugh.

"But every time I tried to go on the biggest slide my mum would pick me up and say 'No, No, No, Not today.'" He laughed like an idiot. I laughed at his mum's remark. I can picture the little boy being lifted by his mum.

"Then we went the next year, and I was bigger. So my mum let me go on the big slides with Gemma. And when I went on the big slide for the first time guess what I did." He looked at me.

"I don't know what did you do?" I asked. "I peed on Gemma." We both laughed, so hard we were both crying. Trying to catch his breath, Harry continued, "I never went on the slide ever again." We both laughed.

We both started breathing again. "I loved that water park." Harry smiled. I held his hand, he looked at me. But when he looked at me this time it's look the sun was smiling at me, he didn't look like he's been locked up for 4 years, he looked like a cute excited boy, being his dorky self.

He looked so innocent and smiley, with his dimples and his crystal eyes. "Louis," He caught me out of my daze. "Yeah?" I asked. "Kiss me."

I did exactly as he said. I grabbed his cheek and smashed my lips onto his, not in a harsh way though. It was perfect, our lips moved in sync, like we've kissed a million times. It didn't feel like a first kiss at all. I could feel Harry smile into the kiss.

I pulled away. He had the biggest smile, as so did I. "Why'd you release?" Harry raised his brow. He then smashed his lips back onto mine. I chuckled a bit, but kissed him back.

He gripped my hair, but it didn't hurt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat in his lap. We stopped for a moment. With our foreheads connected. I looked into his green eyes. He was smiling, and so was I.

I peaked his lips. "You don't know how long i've been waiting for that." Harry whispered into my ear. I smiled. "I've been waiting forever to do that." Harry's hands wrapped around my waist.

I put my head in his shoulder. "Can you be my boyfriend?" I asked, I kissed his neck. "I couldn't be any happier." He replied. I knew he would say yes. He stroked my back. I had this sense of security, like no one could hurt us.

I felt like I found my home.

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