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"Not Liam!" I begged. "You killed him. Just like you're gonna kill that nurse, and if you don't, i'm going to make you suffer."


I strangled my cold, metal chains. Eventually they snapped. I unwrapped my straitjacket. Then I removed my face mask.

"Good, now we wait."

I sat in the metal chair. Waited patiently for the nurse to come in. I felt my stomach growl. I haven't eaten in 3 weeks.

"Another reason to kill her."

"But why? There was no reason to kill Liam."

"He was holding you down, making you vulnerable."

"But I don't care." "You should, pussy."

The nurse peaked her head in the door. "Harry! Again?" She walked in.

I stood up from my metal chair. I grabbed both of her hands, so she couldn't take out the drugs.

"Harry! Let go of me!" She shouted. I shook my head. "Kill her." I very quickly took my hand and punched her square in the jaw. She fell to the floor.

I stepped as hard as i could on her chest, breaking multiple bones, her eyes widened as he stops breathing.

"Good job. See you are psycho."

I took a deep breath. I smirked. I did like this, this feeling of power. Rushing through my veins, and through every single cell.

Power. It made me stronger, it made people scared of me. I like people being frightened of me.

"See? You will always like this."

I looked through my phone after I got home from work and sat on the soft couch.

I looked through the latest new, to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Nope, looks like I wasn't.


That sucks, his whole family dies, then he goes crazy. He hears voices, telling him to kill, telling him stuff he probably never wanted to hear.

Except he's forced to, and he's forced to like it.

I live alone, i'm not dating anyone, and I finished college years ago. So every day is pretty lonely for me.

I don't have many friends either, they're just all at work. They don't talk to me much. But it's not like I want them to.

Friends are frustrating, you have to make plans and shit just to meet. I'm not wasting my time on getting a stupid person I call my 'friend' just to text them weird shit.

I was tired. So I walked to my bedroom. I lived in a small house. It wasn't messy, it just wasn't neat either.

My room had a white wall, with a double bed, and a dresser and night stand next to my bed.

I sat on my uncomfortable bed, and laid down. I set my phone on my night stand. I got under my blanket, that weren't warm enough.

I turned off my lamp and began to drift asleep. My eye lids began to get heavy, and I fell asleep.


I woke up, with my phone buzzing. I grabbed the cold phone, on my night stand. It was my boss calling me. I answered it.

"Hello?" "Hey, guess who just called me?" "Who?" "The Asylum." "What?! Why?!" "They said Harry killed another person, and that last time you were there, you made him sane again." "But what do you mean?" "They want you to come back and calm him down." "No! I don't wanna die." "Ugh fine I'll tell them."

I hung up. Why do they want me to make him sane again? I don't wanna keep going back there just so i can make him sane.

The voices are just gonna keep telling him to kill. I probably am going to die because of him if I visit him.

Ugh, they strapped me in tighter. I hated being trapped like this. It made me feel useless, and weak.

"Kill them." "Kill who?" I asked.

"The guards who strapped you in, they deserve to die." "What? Why?" "They stop your strength! Don't let them play with you like a doll."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe." "No, yes, do it." "Shut up." "Don't fucking tell me to shut up, because you know I won't."

The locks started unlocking. "Ugh, who now?" There was a new nurse who peaked her face in. She wore too much makeup. She looked fake.

"Hello Harry, I'm your new nurse, Hailey. I believe you have a guest." She said with a brooklyn accent.

"Kill them." She left. Then a familiar looking boy, with black hair, and many tattoos entered the room.

"Hello Harry." He spoke in a Yorkshire accent. I remembered him. "Kill him." "Shut up!" I yelled. The door locked behind him.

"Wow, you are insane, huh?" He spoke. "Zayn." I gagged at his name. He bullied me in school, and physically abused me.

"Don't make yourself vulnerable around him." "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked. "To do what I do best, abuse you."

"Zayn, my family, and my best friend is dead, and I hear voices that tell me to kill you. Why do you wanna make me worse?"

"Why aren't you trying to kill him?!" I pulled on the chains. It was just more painful, every time I pulled on them. They put a chain around my neck this time.

"Because, I want to see you suffer." He said, before he punched me in the jaw. It made my mask crunch against my cheekbones, making it feel worse.

"Kill him you fucking idiot!" "I'm trying too!" I yelled. I looked into his blood-shot eyes. He probably smokes.

"I already am suffering, bastard." I said spitting out blood. "Not enough." He punched me again. "Is that your worst?!" I yelled, pulling on the chains again, they wouldn't budge.

He smirked. "Stop being so weak, you're still as weak as you were when your family died." "Stop saying that!" I yelled.

"Harry, you're crazy." He laughed. "Why do you think i'm here?!" I coughed out more blood.

He stood in front of me. I looked at the camera in the corner. I smirked. "The cameras are watching."

He turned around. He noticed the cameras. "At least they can watch me kill you." He said, looking at me. He punched me again, and again, and again. After about 9 punches, everything got blurry.

Everything got black. I still felt pain, why did i still feel pain? I wasn't anywhere, I was no where.

It was just black. My face hurt, but everything else was numb. Why did I feel so weird? Where am I, is this my mind?

"You're so vulnerable, why did you let him wipe you out like that?" It spoke. "I didn't mean too! The chains hurt worse every time I pulled on them."

"Who cares?! You could've killed him." "No I couldn't have! My neck was chained to the wall and my hands were tucked in my straitjacket, and I had a metal face mask, and my feet where strapped to the metal chair!"

"Ugh, you failure, you're useless. I'm just here to make you go insane."

"I am insane. That's what everyone thinks of me, insane, crazy, a lunatic, a maniac, a killer. Why are you trying to make me more insane?"

"Because that's what I do."

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