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"Harry?" He repeated again. "L-Liam?" I coughed out. He smiled and sat down in front of me. "B-But, I-" "What?" "I thought you died." I whispered the word 'die'.

"I-I am, but I'm still part of your imagination." I looked at him. I noticed a hole in his chest from were I stabbed him.

A tear fell down my face. A smiled formed on my lips. "Liam-" I leaned forward and tried to hug him, but the chains pulled me back, making my arms hurt.

He hugged me. Except I couldn't hug him back. My head leaned on his shoulder. It's like he was real, but I know I'm just insane.

We pulled away. "Why did I kill you?" I asked with tears running down my face. "Because you like it." "I don't know, Harry."

"I'm so so sorry." I cried. "No, your not, don't lie." "You were my only friend." I continued. "Harry, I died, so you could find yourself." He put his hand on my shoulder.

"But I can't. I'm going to die at the end of the month, Liam. " He looked down. "In fact, I should have an appointment to get tortured any minute now." I looked at the door, hoping no one would come.

"Harry" "Yeah?" "Louis" Someone opened the door. Then Liam started to fade. "No! No!" I shouted. A cop came and unlocked me and tied my hands and feet together. Liam was gone.

I screamed as they took me out of the room. Dragging me downstairs into a basement. They put me on top of a table and tied me to it so I couldn't escape.

What did he mean by Louis? I would love to see Louis right now. Maybe he can help me get out of this hell hole. My thoughts were interrupted by a painful shock running through my body.

I screamed loud. Everyone was just watching me die. Even that nurse. I hate her. The shock stopped, and I could breathe. I felt the beads of sweat on my forehead.

A tear fell from my face. I have to do this every day, and every day it gets harsher. I promised myself I'd stay. I'd stay alive for them. I won't break that promise.

'I'll live until i'm 100 and have 5 kids.' I thought to myself. I'll have a happy life. Is that still possible for me?

I woke up in a hospital bed. I felt wires in my mouth. Then a doctor walked in. "Hello Mr. Tomlinson, your mouth might feel weird, which is because your jaw cracked out of place, so the wires are like a cast, but they aren't." He chuckled.

I felt panicked. I needed to call my family. I waved at the doctor. He walked back over to me and handed me a white board and marker.

I wrote "call my family." He nodded. My emergency number was my mum. So hopefully he'll call her. I haven't seen them in years.

Ever since I moved to London for university . I graduated university years ago. I've been pretty lonely. I'm not that social so I don't make that many friends either.

That's why I visited Harry. Harry. Shit, he punched me. I don't really care that he punched me, he didn't mean to. Did he get taken away?

A nurse came back. He said, "Sorry your emergency contact was unavailable." I grabbed the board and board, "Its ok what happened to the man that punched me?"

"Oh Harry? don't worry about him, they found him screaming for help, and took him away. He's back in the asylum. Don't worry, he will be punished heavily." He spoke.

No. He's gonna die. All that fighting and pain, is going to go to waste. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. The nurse looked confused.

I wrote, "Can I call him?" "No but you can write him a letter." He said. I nodded. He went out and grabbed a piece of paper. Then handed it to me along with a pencil.

I smiled and nodded. I wrote him a letter. Then handed it back to the nurse and he hopefully left to go and mail it out.

He won't die. I know him, he doesn't give up. He will keep fighting until he can get people to believe he's not crazy.

But there was a small voice in the back of my head saying "what if he does?" Because then I need to see him everyday, and do everything he wants.I want him to live. I want him happy.

I started close my eyes because of how tired i was. My eye lids slowly got heavier and before I knew it, I was asleep.


I finally arrived at my new flat in London. I'm going to university here. I'm super excited, hopefully I'll make friends.

I decided to call my mum and tell her I made it home safely. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

It rang and rang, nobody picked up. I left a voicemail and said, "Hey mum! It's Lou. I just wanted to tell you that I made it safely home. I hope I can come home for Christmas or my birthday. Please call me back as soon as possible. Thank you, I love you."

~Christmas later that year~

I woke up in my bed. I checked my phone expecting a text or something saying "Happy birthday, or Merry Christmas" But nothing. Oh well.

I ran into the living room like I did when I was home, and checked the front door to see if any mail came.

Only taxes. Oh well it is Christmas Day. My family never got back to me on coming home for Christmas. Whatever I'll just call them, or video chat.

I grabbed my phone and dialed my mums number. It went to voicemail. I said, "Hey mum! I miss you! Why haven't you returned my last call? Whatever I don't mind. Just tell the family I love them and miss them! I love you so much! It's so weird without anyone. I miss hearing the girls screaming at me when I wake up. Anyways, Merry Christmas! Did you send me anything for my birthday? It was yesterday. I got nothing, but I'm guessing the postal service is just late. Thanks! I love you!"

~After finishing university~

"Hey mum. I got a job at the newspaper business. It gets good pay. So hopefully I'll get enough money to finally visit you guys. I mean If you want me to. I mean, of course you want to see me, right? Well, all these voicemails. I think so far I've left at least 500. I just wish you would return them. You know I am worried. I haven't heard your voice in at least 4 years. I miss you. I miss everything. Sometimes I cry, because I miss you so much. I know I shouldn't be crying, but It's like you forgot about me. I know you didn't though. You probably think of me everyday. Right?  Well I hope you listen to my voice. If anything I want you guys happy. Thank you, I love you."

End of Dream•

I woke up, everything was still dark. Someone was sitting in a chair in the corner. Who was it, I couldn't see very well.

They moved closer to me. I knew who she was. It was my sister, Lottie. She looked different. She had lighter hair, and makeup. I gave her a confused look.

She had tears in her eyes, and smiled. The she hugged me. I hugged her back. I haven't seen my family in so long. She released. I smiled, she did also.

"Yes, he heard your voicemails, and yes we do miss you." I smiled. I knew it. I hugged her again.

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