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"Everything going ok?" I sat there on the cold dry floor in front of Harry. He looked like a ghost he had absolutely no color. He shook his head. "9 Days, Louis."

I stroked his cheek and smiled weakly. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. "You won't die." I spoke in a raspy tone. "I wish you were right." He spoke back, in a scratchy voice.

"Harry you can't di-" He cut me off, "Yes I will, I hate thinking of it that way but i will and I am, I tried so hard to stay alive for my family, and i promised them i would stay, but it's time for me to go." He said slowly.

"Harry, I..." I rubbed my cheek. "Louis your amazing." I looked at him as he was smiling. "Literally your the best thing that's happened to me." He smiled. It hurt so bad.

I stroked his thigh. "It's just so so disappointing to think that...that little 17 year old boy...he...he's gonna die in less than 2 weeks." My voice cracked.

"Lou...it's fine. We have time...I don't wanna think about death until then, ok?" Harry spoke, with worry in his voice. I just feel like it isn't fair.

It's just sick that they would gas him. I didn't know they still gased people. I thought that ended. I feel like that's the worst torture anyone could do. How sick and cruel is that warden?

"Hey Harry?" I stroked his thigh. He looked at me with his gorgeous eyes. "Yeah?" He asked weakly. "How long have you been schizophrenic?"

He shrugged. "Ever since I was sixteen, but it wasn't that bad. They'd only talk to me once or twice a week. But it got worse as I got older. It's almost like I got crazier."

"Your not crazy." He spoke. Because I believed he wasn't. He just needs to learn to think before he acts. Although sometimes the voices don't help with that.

"Louis I am crazy. I know your trying to be nice, but I am. I'm insane, a maniac, psychopath, crazy. It's nice that your trying to be nice to me, but I'm just gonna keep hurting you. You don't deserve me anyway." He coughed out.

I kissed his cheek. "Yes, I want you. I've thought about it. Your all that makes me happy, and excited. I used to be such a funny, loud kid, people would say I have a big future. But now look at me, I'm boring. You made me feel like a kid again. I want to stay with you...I want to love you." I whispered.

He tried hiding his smile, because he avoided eye contact and looked at his legs, he also had the face mask. I could tell he was smiling though.

Then I saw a tear leave his eye. "I can't change, Louis." He looked at me again, with his crystal eyes. "Yes you can." "No I can't!" He shouted. It echoed throughout the room.

His eyes widened when he realized what he just did. I heard him cry. "No, I can't." He spoke softly this time. I placed my hand on his shoulder and rubbed his earlobe.

"I could've stopped my parents from dying. I could've stopped it." "No you couldn't have-" "Yes I could! I could've locked the doors, and windows." "You wouldn't have known." I sat next to him and played with his curls.

He had beautiful long curly hair. "Louis I like you. Like, like like you." He stared into my eyes. I smiled. "I like like you too Harry."  "No, like...I want you to be my boyfriend." He immediately shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry, Your probably straight." He looked at his feet. I poured my bottom lip, and shook my head. "No, no, not really." I smiled at him.

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