Health Class

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"Today we will discuss what happens when the body is subjected to non consenting sex." Mr. Baboe announced as he was setting up the computer for the presentation.

I froze in my seat and looked around to see if anyone noticed my hesitation on the subject. Lucas and Riley walked in, hand-in-hand and I tried to relax so they wouldn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

Riley loudly said a greeting as she walked to her desk bedside me. Lucas sat behind me and his presence along was enough to put me on edge. I know it's not fair that I ignore him, I know it's not his fault, but anyone who is of the opposite sex scare me.

I tried to draw and not pay attention to the topic. I looked over to see Riley cringing at the picture and facts. Lucas looked sad and Farkle was absent this class because anything relating to sex freaks him out.

"Miss Hart, care to explain what it feels like to be touched inappropriately." The teacher asked me as all eyes went to me. My anxiety increased and I silently asked myself if it's possible that he could've found out. No, no one knows.

"Yeah um okay," I say as I clear my mind of anxious thoughts. "The feeling doesn't only hurt physically but also mentally. It's messed with your mind and it-I heard that people hid what happened to try to deal with it by themselves." I finished and sat down.

"Wow, we have only discussed half of that. Where did you learn about the details?" He asked and I felt the strong eyes of Lucas staring at me.

"Smh I don't know, kind of like common sense I guess..." I trailed off but realized I had to play it cool. "But don't tell the other teachers that I actually know things, they'll start to call on me more." I give a small laugh at the end. Riley joins in and I sigh at that save.

I felt Lucas shift in his seat and I turned towards him to stop his next movement.

"Don't even think about it hop-a-long." I give a small smile but it doesn't match the look of terror in my eyes. He looks down in his lap and nods.

The bell rings and I leave the classroom as fast as possible. I get in line for lunch even though I won't eat it. I sit down in our normal table and take the apple and the sandwich off the plate and throw it away before they get here.

Kids start to show up and I hear the loud laugh of my beautiful best friend. They grabbed their lunch and walked over towards me.

"Wow you ate fast." Zay says and I smile. I nod and take out my phone to check my social media. Zay goes to sit down next to me and I see the amused but warning look on Riley's face. Before he touches the seat I shove him off the table and he barley catches himself before hitting the ground. The table went silent as Lucas knelt down to pull him up.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologized and Riley started laughing as well as Zay.

"You got spunk. Remind to never touch you again." Zay laughs and I join in to play it cool.

Farkle and Smackle finally show up and they try to catch up with what just happened. I really need to control my actions.

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