Chipped Nails

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Here I sit, in the school consoling office. Apparently someone made an anonymous concern that I was suicidal or something. I was waiting for the counselor to come get me. I looked down at my chipped nails. I was picking the polish off. I do this when I'm nervous, that's why I always have a bottle of nail polish in my bag.

I went through many different scenarios in my head. Maybe I could say that I'm just stressed for finals? Or maybe that I'm just a hormonal teenager that has mood swings? Neither would work because the school knows about my home life. They know I've had abandonment issues and some tantrums before. I couldn't lie to them...completely

"Hart?" A voice from behind the counter called out. I stood up from my seat and walked hesitantly towards the door. The lady smiled at me and led me into the office.

"Hello Maya, please sit down." A comforting voice greeted me. The women who sat before me was so beautiful, almost making me feel worse about myself. She had raven black hair and sharp green eyes. Her figure was perfect and she had no acne whatsoever.

I immediately envied her. She's the exact opposite of me. Dark features, perfect figure. Shit she's even tall. I swallowed a "hello" and sat down. This seat felt like I was being judged by a court of law.

"Why am I here? I hate therapy. I hate taking to people." I voice my opinion and she just smirks. The nerve this bitch has to smile. I like her.

"I'm going to ignore your rude comments...Someone has filed a concern for you. They believe that you are harming yourself. Is this true?" Wow she clearly doesn't build up. She just jumped right in.

"No. that's idiotic. Why would I hurt myself? I have great friends." I stuttered slightly on the word friends. Hopefully she didn't notice. Her eyes twitch and she folds her hands onto her lap. Great so she's also polite and nice, definitely not me.

"If that's so, may I check your wrists?" She asks. I cringe. Shit, is that even legal? Of course it is, the school is allowed to do anything that might be helpful to anyone hurting a student or themselves.

"Nah I'd rather not Mrs.," I pause, looking at the name plate on her desk. "Kenne."

She smiles at my mention of her name but quickly results back to her blank face. How could she do that? I really need to learn. I hate showing emotions, I wish I could just shut them all away.

"Maya, we need to check. If you're hurting yourself-" I shot up from my seat and she looked confused for a moment.

"I don't fucking cut myself." I yell. I move to grab my stuff and she gets up.

"I'll walk you out. We will talk next week." She says completely bitchy. Okay she's not a bitch but I can't like her. I gruff and snatch my bag away from her helpful hand.

She opens the door and I stomp out. I look back to see her waving with a smile on her face. God how can she act like that? Teach me your ways!


"Hey honey." I say as I walk into Topnaga's after school. My friends look up to see me take my usual seat next to Riley.

"Peaches! Where've you been? School has been out for an hour now." She asks. I was only in the office for about 10 minutes but I took a long way here. I needed to think.

"Some stupid person filled a concern saying that I was 'suicidal'." I say, making fake quotations around suicidal. I roll my eyes and they catch a glimpse of Lucas in the corner staring.

"Quit staring Sundance, this isn't about you." I joke. I look over to my other friends' faces and that each had a different look of concern on their faces.

"What's wrong with everyone?" I ask feeling a tinge of terror in my stomach. Oh my god. They told the office, they are the ones who filed it.

I stood up and Riley grabbed my hand. I snatched my hand back and stared into her soul. She whimpered and sat down.

"You guys turned me in! What the hell you guys? You can't just do that shit. You are wrong by the way. Why the fuck would I hurt myself?" I yell. The rest of the occupants of the little shop ran out.

"Maya! Don't say that! We were trying to help you!" Farkle yells back, walking closer to me.

"Don't fucking touch me." I snap and his face goes pale. I sigh and was about to apologize for my behavior before I saw Lucas walk up to me. Does he not get this game?

"What did I say about not touching me?" I huff and he goes to touch me. I whimper. He put his reassuring hand onto my heated cheek. I cringe and slap him. Hard.

The sound of our connecting skin sounded loudly in the room. His face turned scared and I started to cry.

"Do not touch me!" I yell in his shocked face. My tear stained cheeks burning from what I had just done. I turned around and ran out.

"MAYA!" I heard Riley and Zay say in unison.

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