Ha Ha Ha

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"I said I Do Not Need Help." I screamed throwing the contents of my dresser towards the door. Farkle and Riley jumped back but Lucas continued to walk in. What is he stupid? He does not want to be around me right now.

"Ugh Huckleberry, just leave." I growled. I was now cowering in the farthest corner of my small room. His arms reached out for me and I wanted to kick him or punch him but all I could do was fall down sobbing.

"I'm fine you guys. I'm back to being myself. Just a little upset, that's all." I said as calmly as I could through my crying. I look up to see the beautiful man towering above me with a sad face. I weakly smiled.

"Maya, please let us help you. Let me help you." Lucas says with dark eyes. What's up with him?

"Who did this to you?" He pushed. My sobs grew more uncontrollable and I almost started to shake. For some odd reason I start to laugh, Hysterically. I weakly stood up and got into his face.

"Haha. You're funny did you know that? You think you can barge in here and ask stupid questions? I'm fine, just a little emotional. You know, PMS sucks. Right Riles?" I laugh out, turning towards Riley. She's crying into Farkle's shoulder, eventually she gives a weak nod.

"Ha! She agrees!" I say loudly. Lucas cringes at the sudden discomfort of my presence.

"Okay bye!" I say shoving him towards my confused friends. He looks back once more before grabbing his girlfriend and Farkle and walking out.

I hear their scrambling footsteps and then a slamming door follows. My mask twitches and melts off. Theoretically of course. I fall back onto my bed and sob once more. What the fuck just happened? I laughed in his face. It was a sick and twisted laugh. One that you hear from a psychopath. But for some reason it made me feel better, made me feel alive...

I proceed to strip off my sweaty clothes and curl up in a naked ball underneath the covers. I drift off to sleep. Yeah it's the afternoon but I'm tired.


"Maya? I expected you to be skipping today." Farkle says from behind me. It's the next day of school and I was still reeling from the events of yesterday. I turned to nod but Lucas' empty seat stopped me.

"Where is he?" I asked. I looked around frantically, Riley and Farkle both shrugged and I looked to see Zay's seat, it was also empty. I started to hyperventilate but I controlled it well enough to not draw attention.

Why would I act this way towards someone that I punched? I shouldn't even be allowed near him. For about 3 minutes I sat there, completely lost in my thoughts until I heard that soft but strong voice of his.

I visibly relaxed and opened my eyes to the real world. Lucas stood watching over me once again. This time he had a huge black eye. Fuck, that's my fault. He smiles and I smile back. He goes to sit behind me but Riley grabs his arm.

I look over towards her desk to see the couple kissing. I sigh and start to doodle on my sketch pad. Eventually our Algebra teachers walks in, late as always, and starts the lesson.


I'm in the counseling office once again. It's dumb because I thought I made myself clear the last appointment. Also it's not supposed to be everyday...

I huff and groan in my seat across from the desk. She's really about to make me wait? You better not try me. I chuckle to myself and take out my phone. I play a couple rounds of "Injustice" only to be interrupted in the middle of my third round.


Omg thanks so much for 5K reads on my other story! Leave any suggestions for the next chapter below, sorry this chapter was so short, it's a filler chapter. :)

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