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"It's stupid. I don't want to have dinner meeting your parents, looking like this." I say gesturing to my grungy state.

"Like I said before, you're always beautiful Maya. Also technically you have met my parents before." Lucas says as he comes up to my place at the door, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Whatever you say about my appearance won't change my thoughts about it. I don't want to go out there Lucas." I say sternly even though his words stirred up some butterflies.

"You know my mom, she will drag you out and sit you at the table if you don't accept the invitation." He laughs but his face is serious. I laugh a little.

"Fine." I snap. I cross my arms to prove my stubbornness even more. He stares at me, trying to make me flinch. Nope, not going to happen. My lips betray my thoughts and slowly they crack into a smile before I burst out laughing.

"No fair!" I yell pushing him away from me and walking back to the mirror to play with my hair once again.

"Dinner is going to get cold!" Lucas' mom's voice rains from the kitchen. Lucas grabs my hand suddenly but decides to release it. I know what he wanted, me to follow him.

So I followed the cowboy out into his beautiful home. It's so comforting, so happy, The exact opposite of the crap building I call home. But hey, that's all we got.

"Hello Maya! Nice to see you again!" Mrs. Friars' singsong voice sang from behind the counter of the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at her happiness. Lucas' dad gave me an acknowledging smile, as did I.

I followed Ranger Boy to the small dining table. He pulled out a chair for me and tipped his invisible cowboy hat.

"Heehaw" I laughed into response. Right before I sat down he grabbed my arm gently.

"Please eat. I know you don't eat much but please eat for me. Especially since your body needs to heal." His whispered voice seeped with sympathy but also a bit of assertiveness. I nodded, not knowing what to say. I knew I couldn't win the argument. I wasn't on my best game lately. All things considered. And loosing an argument would really hurt my ego.

I sat down once he let go of my arm, which was now a slight pink color from his different temperature meeting mine. I changed my focus from my chipped nails to the beautiful family I saw in the kitchen. Lucas was laughing at some joke his dad has made and his mom was smiling her huge grin. I almost wanted to cry, they had everything. The perfect house, perfect family. I thought only Riley had that but now as I watch them, I feel my ego shrink. Did everyone have this perfect life except me? How was that fair?

The plate of food clattering in front of me startled me from my dark thoughts. I hate how it's so easy for me to fall into a great sadness. I scold myself at letting it happen. Lucas smiles at me but his eyes are so fixated on me that they were almost asking a question.

He sat down next to me, grabbed my hand and whispered the question his eyes always hold.

"Are you okay?" I roll my eyes at the stupid question, I nod my answer and he seems to believe it to be true. Honestly I lied so much that I almost believe it myself. Wow that's harsh.


The clinking of silverware on almost empty plates gave me a fluttery heart. The sound of continuous noises always heightened my existing anxiety. I kept my cool though. Knowing that if I failed now I would be the center of attention for the rest of the meal.

Mamma Friar cooked a simple burger and fries. It seemed too simple but the meat was so delicious that when I took my first bite I could barely keep in a moan from satisfaction. I looked at all of our plates and realized that I still had so much left. I was either eating way too much, or eating hardly anything. Today seemed more of the latter.

"Maya, you've lost weight since last time I saw you. You know that your beautiful with whatever weight you are. It's not necessary to eat less." His mom chirped in. Lucas and I were talking about a horror movie we both recently saw, not together, of course. Lucas practically choked on his french fry.

"Mom!" He scoffed. She met his eyes and so many things passed through them. As if they could read each other's minds. I felt a soft poke from across the table and almost screeched at the unexpected feeling. My eyes focused on Mr. Friar. His eyes were the same dark green as Hucks' eyes and that made me smile.

"She's right you know. I've heard a few things about your family and my heart goes out to you. You're so strong and beautiful. No wonder Lucas speaks so highly of you." I freeze when he mentions my family but then relax when he tells me about Lucas. He actually talks about me? That's so interesting.

"He talks about me?" I ask incredulously. He nods and smiles hugely. I nod and turn to his awaiting glare. His pupils dilate and the tension in the room, that was non existent, increased so much I could almost feel the pressing weight of the situation on my chest.

"I'll clear the plates. You two go run off and watch a movie or something." I hear her voice but I don't acknowledge what she has said until Lucas sat up and grabbed my hand to lead me to his room. I flinched, again, at the contact but shook it off as just nerves.

I really want this to go away, everything.


 I updated the cover because I thought the old one was too simple

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I updated the cover because I thought the old one was too simple. Opinions please. :)

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