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His lips slowly met mine and I was stunned. His lips moved more drastically on mine once I finally recovered and kissed back. I tangle my hands into his hair. He moans when I pull slightly against his follicles. I giggle as he moves me to the dresser and my back hits the hard wood. It was my turn to moan when he pulls my thighs up and sets me on top of the furniture. I feel my body heating up from his touch. He starts nibbling my neck and I freeze. He continues and I bit back a moan. My heart rate quickens and I start to pant. I could hardly breathe, must be an anxiety attack? I feel hot tears spill onto my cheeks and Lucas immediately stops. He pulls away watching my fit of emotions. I was fighting to catch my breath and my tears turned to sobs as his face twisted into that of worried.

"Maya? Maya! What's happening? Are you okay? I'm so sorry." He mumbles hysterically and I jump off the dresser and fall to the ground.

"I can't-" I manage to choke out, barely being able to utter those two words. I put a hand on my heart to measure the heartbeat. I was freaking out and I have no idea why. I wanted Lucas to kiss me, I enjoyed it, why was I acting like this? Realization struck me and I looked up at him with wide eyes. I swallow the lump in my throat as I take a minute to calm down.

"I fine. I just don't think I could ever be touched by anyone that way ever again." I say with a small voice. His eyes glimmer and he moves to sit down next to my trembling body. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me onto his lap. He starts to stroke my hair, watching how my tears dry out and my breathing returns to normal.

"I shouldn't have done that. I should have known. I'm so sorry Maya. I'm so stupid."

I look up into his beautiful green eyes. "It's okay Huck, I liked it... well at first." I said slowly, trying to put a voice to how it felt. He nodded his head and smiled.

"Yeah me too."


"Wake up Maya, my mom made dinner. Would you like eat?" I groan as I wake up to the voice of Lucas. I instantly smile at his presence.

"I feel asleep? When?" I said yawning. I looked out his window to see the once lit streets of New York, turned pitch black. How long was I out?

"You fell asleep in my arms about 4 hours ago." He said smiling.

"What? I wasn't even that tired!" I said with wide eyes. He laughed and sat down next to my post-nap body. I shuffled away and walked to his mirror to fix my messy bed head.

"Eww no. I look like shit and I'm not that hungry." I say looking displeased in the mirror. He came up behind me and held out a pony tail holder.

"Why do you have this?" I laughed and accepted it. He shrugs.

""First off, you're gorgeous, second, you haven't eaten anything all day and you've gotten considerably skinny recently. He said pointing to my scarred body. I shiver underneath his gaze but I stand my ground.

"You actually notice that I've changed? Wow." I say mostly to myself but I speak my thoughts. He nods and smiles.

"I always notice you Maya. You're my blonde beauty remember?" He says and I melt from his nice but false words.

"DINNER LUCAS. OH! AND MAYA!" I hear Mrs. Friar tell from the kitchen. We both laugh and I reluctantly agree to dinner.

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