Your Choice

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"So what movie should we watch?" I said as we reached his room. He scoffed at my question while he let me slide past him into his room. I was confused. He sounded mad, why was he mad? What had I done to anger him?

He closed the door and pushed me onto the bed. Woah, what? My heart was fluttering at his touch. I stared up at him with wide eyes. His eyes were filled with something dark. Darker than I have ever seen in anyone's eyes before. Was he bipolar? He was so sweet to me just a minute ago at the table.

"We can't do this Maya. I can't. We need to tell someone about what happened. You're 17, underage, which means what he did to you was illegal and morally wrong. Why do you want to hide this? Did he threaten you?" His eyes held so many emotions when he held me captive with them. His voice was angered. Not at me, not even at the man. I think he was mad at himself.

"Why are you like this? Why do you blame what happened on yourself?" I ask. He stops his mumbling and straightens his back and he sits down next to me. My heart rate beats faster at his closeness. He looks at me like I had just read his mind.

"How do you do that?" He ask incredulously.

"Do what?" I asked wondering what he was talking about.

"How do you always know what I'm thinking? It's like you can read my mind. I can't keep anything from you."

"I could ask you the same. Not even Riley knows me like you do. It's like we're connected. As if we have a bond. I don't like it. I hate how you know things about me that I don't. How is that possible?" I ramble trying to make sense of this new realization.

"I need you in my life Maya. And if you keeping going on like this, you'll get worse. I don't like seeing you sad. It breaks my heart. Please let me help you. At least just tell Riley. Then we'll figure out things from there." Lucas says with sorrowful eyes staring into my watery ones.

I slowly nodded and he let of a huge sigh. I slumped my head onto his shoulders, suddenly feeling immensely tired. He started to run his fingers through my hair. I had pulled it out of the high ponytail that I was wearing earlier. My hair was so messy.

He seemed to enjoy it just as much as I did. His fingertips were warm against my cool scalp. After I don't know how long, he pulled away and sat me upright. I groaned in defeat.

"No, don't stop." I said whining like a toddler. He chuckled at my state and walked towards his tv. He pulled out a box of movies from underneath a nearby shelf. I smiled hugely at the sight of the dvds. I was so in the mood for watching a movie.

He set it down in my lap and grabbed the remote for the tv.

"Pick one" he says. My eyes eagerly scan the wide variety of movies. Horror, comedy, even romance? I pick up a copy of "The Notebook." I hold it up to his face. His cheeks suddenly turn a bright shade of red.

"Always such a huckleberry." I joke as I throw the DVD back into the box. Eventually we both decided on the movie "Sucker Punch". It was such an amazing movie, so underrated. Riley would always make an excuse as to why she couldn't watch it.

"It's my absolute favorite. I can't believe you have it." I said overly excited.

"It's also one of my favorites. A bit weird though." He adds on.

"Exactly! The art is so strange and unique. The plot is so creative and the actors are perfect."

"Okay I like it but definitely not as much as you seem to." He laughs as he puts the disc into the player and presses play. He dims the lights and lays down beside me as the opening credits come on the screen.

And for the first time in god knows how long, I felt safe, wanted.

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