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I slung Maya's half naked body over my shoulder and ran out of the dorms, the college, until we were met with the cold New York air. I practically ran to my house.


She was now laying on my bed. I was contemplating changing her into warm clothes. I decided it would be the best. I went to my dresser and grabbed a pair of sweats and a hoodie and walked back to the bed.

I placed them down next to her limp body. Now that the lighting is better I can see how horrible her skin is. It's covered in bruises. Whoever the fuck did this to her is sick.

Who would ever want to hurt Maya? She's already broken, this has probably made her worse. I took of her tank top, revealing a large purple bruise underneath her bare breasts. They were so beautiful, again, why ruin her amazing skin?

I left her in her underwear, for obvious reasons. I moved her body onto mine as I shoved my oversized hoodie over her small head. She giggled in her sleep and I smiled. So cute. Eventually I had her fully clothed and looked at the time. 3 am. I turned off the light in the corner of my room and later down underneath the covers with Maya.

She'd definitely hate me for this if she was conscious, but she's currently preoccupied. Hopefully I can wake up before she strangles me in my sleep. I laugh at the thought and snuggle into her.

She unconsciously shifts and rests her head on my chest and wraps her leg on top of mine. I soon join her in sleep.


I woke up in a strange place. I shot up out of bed, I took in my surroundings and slowly realized I was in Lucas' bedroom. I sighed and fell back onto the pillow.

"Wait what the fuck?" I whispered, sitting up again. Why am I here? What happened last night? I remember smoking, drinking, and kissing a girl. Oh god, I kissed a girl. I laughed to myself. I looked down at my clothes.

Only they weren't my clothes. I grabbed a fistful of the hoodie and took in the intoxicatingly scent. Hmm... Lucas. I started to get sidetracked ok the fact that I'm slep next to Lucas last night. But I soon decided that I should leave as soon as possible.

He knows now, he's seen my body, oh my god. He's seen my body. Did he see all of my body? Oh god. If I puked on him last night... I shudder the scary thoughts away and stand up.

My legs wobbled and I fell back. The headboard bangs up against the wall and I see Lucas stir. All this time I was careful trying not to make a noise and the headboard screeches. I groan and try to leave once again.

"Maya?" I hear a tired Lucas groan. I shudder at his voice. So raspy and sexy. Maya no, don't think of anything right now. You need to leave. I freeze in my spot at the door. I turn and fake a smile for him. He frowns and starts to get out.

"Nah nah. Don't need to walk me out Huckleberry, I'm just leaving..." I said trying to get out of a reoccurring "are you okay?" conversation. He stands and walks over to me. I cower into the corner of the wall, I trust Lucas but I don't trust his touch. I know he would never touch me like that. Better safe than sorry? He stops walking and pauses, watching my reactions.

Unconsciously my heart rate quickens and my arm starts to shake. I grab my wrist to try to stop the shaking, but it remains the same. Lucas reaches out to grab me and I try to squeeze into the corner as much as possible to get away from him.

He grabs my arms and I feel myself start to cry. The hot tears run down my cheeks and I fall limp into his hands. He grabs me and pulls me into a head. We walk to the bed and I fall onto the bed sobbing. God I'm such a wuss. I'm Maya Hart, the unbreakable one. Why am I so affected by this?

"Maya. Tell me what's going on now. Don't even try to lie to me again. I saw the scars, the bruises. You can't be touched by anyone, not even Riley. I have my assumptions and I hope they are false. Please tell me." He begs and I see the immense sadness in his eyes. I sigh and decided to come clean.

"I was at a party, Josh's, and he left me alone with some people... I drank a lot and I think I was drugged. Some random 21 year old or something came to me and treated me like I was beautiful. I couldn't just leave, no one had ever called me pretty before and It felt nice to think someone actually finds beauty in me. But then he forced himself on me." I broke the eye contact and let a few tears fall before continuing.

"I hate how this event has made me weak. I used to never cry but now I can't even go a day without fucking sobbing. He hurt me, physically, but mostly emotionally. At one point he pulled out a knife and stabbed me? Who does that? I had no idea why he had but he did. I started feeling myself drift off from the loss of blood... sex, when it's forced, hurts so fucking much." My voice breaks and Lucas holds my hand. I'm assuming he wants to hear more.

"I woke up hours later, naked and hurt. I dumped Josh and ran home. Well limped. I didn't seek medical care because I knew my mom couldn't afford it. I went to school, thinking that I could be distracted. I tried to forget but I couldn't fucking forget it. What he did to me. Then I started to hurt myself, it helped me deal with what had happened. I mean I hated my body before and now it's so much worse. When people started noticing I tried to hide it. I'm sorry for slapping you. I just can't deal with anyone touching me. Not anymore. " I stopped, looking up to see his tear stricken face. He nodded and I continued.

"I saw him that day in Topangas' or at least I thought I did. I thought about maybe getting help but I couldn't burden anyone. Riley would loose her innocence and hate the world. I couldn't do that to her. She deserves to think highly of the world." I finish. I look down and see my arms shaking and then Lucas reaches for them, to stop the twitches.

"That's so horrible Maya. I knew something was up but I never would have guessed this," he gestured to my sickly body. "You need to tell someone, he needs to be locked up for what he did to you. That's illegal, let alone inhumane. You're so beautiful and the fact that you hate your body is so sad to think about You need to start thinking about yourself, who cares about Riley? She's Riley, she will always be happy. You deserve the world. She already has it. We need to help you, get you examined by a doctor, as well as a physiatrist. He needs to pay for what he did to you, who cares if you were drunk, it's still non consensual."

"No shrinks! I hate them, they think they know the law of the world. They diagnose you with depression and then hardly do anything to treat you. People like me can't be treated. I can't be treated."

Lucas starts to talk but I interrupt him.

"I get that you care but I know it's only because you want to make Riley's best friend happy. Everything that everyone does is for the benefit of Riley. You chose Riley so you only need to care about Riley."

"Hart! You're not fucking disposable! You are loved by so many, I hate that people assume you're so strong. But in reality you're just human. I like you a lot and I care for you so much so that I will take care of yourself for you. I will believe in you when not even Riley does. Let me help you."
Lucas yells in my face and my tears stop. He cares? Actually cares? Suddenly all the emotions crash into me.

I love him. I love Lucas. It's not just a crush like I thought, like I needed it to be. I can't let myself love anyone. I smile up at him as I start to feel the heat from his body, so close to mine, radiate between us. I smile at him and he smiles back.

He slowly moves towards me and his lips meet mine.

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