Tell Us

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"So about a month ago I broke up with Josh. I told you this right?" I say as I can feels my nerve building. How am I going to tell them what happened? I'm already freaking out and I had barley started.

"Yes Maya. You told us. Now what's going on?" Mathews asks. Lucas reaches over and grabs my hand. I look up into his eyes and am reassured. Riley shoots daggers at our position but I know I can't say this with out him.

I take a deep breath and continue. "I was at one of his college parties. I know you disapprove of them so I had to lie to Riley about where I was. At one point I had had a few drinks... and at one point I was getting dizzy. Someone must have drugged me..." I pause to see if they understand what's happening.

Riley's eyes were wide and confused. She clearly doesn't get what happens when your a vulnerable girl drugged at a party. Topanga sat down next to me and grabbed my hands, freeing Lucas'. Mathews looked angry, like livid.

"Go on honey, we are listening." Topanga's sweet sing-song voice sang from beside me. At this point my eyes were glossy and swollen from holding my tears back.

"Uhh-umm" I say shakily. I look down at my our hands together and I so desperately wanted to hug her. She was my second mother and I needed her to understand what I was about to say.

"Josh was gone, I don't know where he went. I was on his couch and I was alone until this guy walked in... um I didn't know him but he definitely wasn't a freshman. Maybe he's like 23 or something I don't know. I just don't. He said I was pretty and it made me happy because Josh rarely complimented me and it was a nice feeling. But then his compliments turned um...mature?" I tried explaining it but leaving out the horrific details.

"MAYA WHAT DID HE DO?" Riley screamed reaching over the table and shaking my shoulders. Lucas motioned for her to calm down and sit back. She mumbled a sorry and retreated. She stared deep into my eyes, urging me on.

"H-he kissed me and then um-forced himself on me. I uh..." I stuttered. It was so hard to talk, it was like I couldn't. I breathed in and let out a harsh, shaky breath before trying to finish my story.

"Maya. Tell us what that sicko did." Mathews' grumbled voice said. It was so uncharacteristic of him that even Riley jumped from the sound of it.

"He raped me."

Riley's cries turned vocal. Mathews walked into the living room and grabbed his phone. Topanga wrapped her warm arms around me and my dam broke. My body racked with sobs and I felt as if so much height was lifted off my chest.

I hadn't realized how much I needed to tell someone. Lucas was right it hurts more to keep it to myself. Mathews comes back to the table and slams the phone I front of me. I jumped at the noise. I looked up at his face with tears streaming down. His angry eyes softened a bit.

"So Josh just left you alone? At a college party? After he had allowed you to drink?!" I could tell he was furious with Josh.

"It wasn't his fault." I say quickly.

"Maya! Why are you defending him! He's half they reason you were raped." Rileys voice snapped. I cringed at how angry she sounded. Why is she mad? Is she mad at me? Is this my fault? I felt that way for awhile but the way Riley is reacting confirms it.

"Riley I know that it's my fault but you don't have to yell at me!" I yell standing up. Lucas wraps his arms around my waist to try and contain me.

"Maya! No, no, it's not your fault. I'm just confused, I'm sorry for being angry but how do you expect me to react?"

"I expect you to hear me out and comfort me or something! God even Lucas did the right thing! He has been there more than you have lately. Of all people my best friend didn't even notice anything was wrong. Huckleberry noticed!!! That's hurts Riley! You have always been in your own world but I thought that this would change that but clearly it hasn't!" I yell, scrambling to break free of Lucas' grasp.

My tears dried and I was now fuming. God I hate her, I really don't hate her but It's easier to say that I do.

"Maya we need to tell the police, get this guy locked up. It's illegal what he did. I deal with these cases a lot and it's horrible. I can get you help." Topanga says calmly. I gruff at her response. I just want to leave!

"We need to get you to a hospital, you need to get a physical exam, I'm sure you need medical attention. It's been  what? A month? But you still need help." Mathews says more calmly now. He was stroking Riley's soft brunette hair as she was crying into his chest.

"I'm fine now. That's all I wanted to say." I groan and finally break free of Lucas' arms. I run off into Riley's room, out the bay window, and into the streets. I can hear Lucas' lumbered footsteps close behind and I smile knowing that I was not alone.

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