Ring Power

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"Maya, wake up. We need to tell Riley. You promised we would today." I hear Lucas whisper from the end of the bed. I groan as I slowly get up from the bed. I take in my surroundings and notice a pile of pillow and blankets on the floor, in the shoe of a makeshift bed. I look up at him confused.

"Why didn't you sleep on the bed? It's queen. Did you forget that I am literally the size of a child? There is room for you, you Ranger." I say trying to comprehend why he hadn't slept next to me last night. I mean he had the night before.

"I tried but when I went to lay down next to you, you freaked and started to punch me." He scoffed but his green eyes had a touch of worry in them.

"My subconscious mind probably still wasn't comfortable being to close to anyone. I'm fine though, at least when I'm alert and not asleep." Is aid trying to explain not only to him but to me why I acted that way. He nodded slowly, processing the information.

"Get ready to see Riley." He said handing me one of his shirts. I smiled at him being a gentleman and turning away for me to change. Always such a huckleberry.

I changed into his deep green shirt that matches his eyes. I kept his sweats on. We were stopping by my place first so I could change into proper clothes.


2 hours later we were at Riley's front door. We decided to tell the whole family instead of Riley. So we wanted to walk in together rather then sneak into her window. I had changed into dark skinny jeans and a plaid crop top. I was careful not to show much skin. My arms dad a few scars but the cuts were healing more and more everyday.

I knocked on the hard wood loudly for a good 15 seconds. Lucas laughed at my stubbornness. I shoot him a glare.

"I just want this to be over with. The someone the better." I say half joking. He nods and lets me continue my vigorous knocking. I what Mathews yell at the noise and giggled. He flew open the door and was apparently shocked to see me standing there.

"Maya! You've been off the grid for days!" He yells. I smile hugely at his happiness. Lucas puts a hand on my back and for the first time. I don't flinch. He noticed this too and increases the pressure.

I slowly walk in to see Topanga cooking pancakes and Auggie sitting at the table coloring. Riley comes running out of her room. Her hair half brushed. I laugh as she tackles me against the couch and hugs me.

"Peaches! Where have you been???" She asks excitedly. I pause for a moment wondering what to say. I look to Lucas for help. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I was sick for a couple days. Huckleberry here stayed and nursed me back to health." I said motioning to a now blushing Lucas. Riley giggles and reunites with him. It's only been 2 days and she's acting like I had been gone for 2 years.

"Pancakes everyone! Lucas why don't you and Maya join us?" Topanga calls from behind the counter. He smiles and walks to the table with me and Riley.


We finish our stacks of pancakes. Of course I couldn't escape the comment from Lucas about me being a short stack of pancakes.

"Maya has something very important to share with everyone. Maybe Auggie should go play in his room for a bit. It's adult talk." Lucas says very seriously. He looks between us clearly confused but nods and runs off to his room. I take a deep breath to start my story.

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