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*3 Months Later*

"Maya, wait up!" Lucas yells happily from behind me. It was the last day of our junior year and so much has changed.

3 months ago I was depressed, to the point where I contemplated ending my life. But now I'm dating Lucas, now I'm healing, not just mentally. My scars are nearly gone and my self-esteem has skyrocketed since. Lucas has made me so happy.

"You look stunning as ever Miss Hart!" Lucas says once he reaches my spot by the lockers. I giggle as he grabs my waist and pushes me against said lockers. He kisses me lovingly and I return his kiss. God, life has changed so much. My mood is so positive nowadays.

Last month my family went through hell trying to put the disgusting pig behind bars, after a lot of trial hearing and such; we won. Guy got 12 years. It was extremely stressful but we got trough it.

Last month Lucas and I started dating. It took a lot for me to express my feelings and let him into my life in a new way. A way that he could see into my soul even when he was a mile away. I gave myself over to him and everything is better. Everything is happy and the only bad part is that my grades hadn't recovered since the incident at the begging of the second semester.

But that doesn't matter because I could do credit recovery. The counselor had me apply for colleges; the New York Art Institute and the NYU art department. Along with other small art schools in New York.

My life was looking up and for the first time since my dad left; I'm finally completely happy.


I get that it's a horrible ending but I had no other plans for this story. I'm so glad that everyone loved it and if you want to read more like this, check out my other books. ❤

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