Well That Can't Be True

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It had been a few weeks after Doris had showed up in Hawaii. She still showed no sign of being there for some sort of "mission," but Steve and Catherine still had their doubts. Doris was not the kind of person who visited, just to visit. She always had to get something out of her stay.

It ws now almost Christmas, thanksgiving had passed and now Catherine was in full-on wedding mode. She had never realized just how many things have to go into a wedding to make it happen. That was why she was very happy when Kono asked if she could help. Kono had had her wedding, so she knew what to do.

Catherine was sitting in the bed reading venue panflits. The moon that night was full, and it was so bright that Catherine could read the panflits in its light. The window was open letting the warm hawaiian breeze in, and she could hear the waves crashing on the shore. It was silent in the house until she heard Steve walk up the stairs and down the hall.

The door opened ans Steve walked in. He had an almost impossible to read expression on his face, but Catherine could tell he was mad, and sad. Steve walked into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later in is pyjamas. He flopped own on the bed, pulling up the covers quickly. Not a word to Catherine.

C: Steve? 

S: What Cath?

C: Steve what is wrong?

S: Nothing.

C: Steve, do you think I'm an idiot? 

S: Fine! I, my mother told me something today. Something that I don't believe.

C: What was it?

S: That my father is still alive.

C: Steve, that's impossible.

S: I know. But she seemed very sure.

C: Well Steve, you know Doris. She can say anything. It's probably just a cover for something.

S: Yah, either that or she wants to send me on a wild goose chase. Again.

Catherine slid down into bed then turned and looked at Steve. He looked back, then they did that weird eye contact thing where they read eachothers mind just by looking at them. Steve reached over and pulled Catherine to him. She smiled and nuzzeled her face into Steve's chest as Steve wrapped his arms around her.

Later that night Catherine was jolted awake by a sudden crash of thunder ad lightning. She looked out the window to see wind and rain. Almost like a monsoon. She had never admitted this before but, she was terrified by tunder and lightning. She wasn't scared of death, war or even torture but when it came to thunder and lighting, she was terrified. She looked over at the clock to see that it was only 2:23 am, she still had a good 4 1/2 hours before she and Steve would have to get up for work.

Once the second crash of lighting hit Catherine jumped so much in Steve's arms that it woike him up too.

S: Cath, you okay?

C: There's thunder and lighting outside.

S: So?

C: Steve. I'm...

S: You're what?

C: I'm scared of thunder and lighting.

S: What? Really?

C: Ok Steve, now is not the time.

S: Right uh, it's gonna be ok. Remember, the storm is outside, we are inside. It can't hurt us.

Steve pulled Catherine back into his arms and turned her had towards him away from the window. Steve forced himslef ot stay awake so that he could make sure thst Catherine fell asleep. Once she did Steve placed a small kiss on her forehead than fell asleep himself. Now everything was at peace, the clouds had parted, the wind hushed, the thunder and lighting stopped, now it was a clear calm night, the now soft breeze lulling the two to sleep.

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