Back Again

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C: We have to go back.

D: Catherine.

C: We have to. I have to.

K: Honey there is still a chance that he is dead.

C: I know, but what if he isn't. We can't just leave him.

CHK: I'll go. I believe that there is a chance.

K: Me too. Im there.

D: Seriously?

CHK: Danny, how many times has Steve almost got himself killed?

D: Yah I'm there.

Catherine smiled and the four of them climbed back on the plane. What they where doing was a long shot, but they had a little glimmer of hope that it might work. Even though they knew that Steve was likely still dead, they where gonna try, and they weren't going to stop until they got a real answer.

Back in Morocco

Catherine hopped off the plane with everyone else following shortly after. Catherine had made some calls hopping that she would get some help from her old Navy friends. This time around they couldn't just sneak in to the prison, they where going to have to play by the books. And that was going to be hard to do.

D: This is not a good idea.

C: Don't worry Danny. This time we will have help.

K: Help?

C: Yep. It should be here any second.

D: Wait really?

Just then many cars pulled up on the runway. They all had dummy plates and tinted windows. This was the help that Catherine had called for. And it was the help that would get them an answer.

As all the doors started to open, Danny, Kono and Chin became very surprised. They knew that Catherine had called in for a favour, but they never imagined it would be these people.

J: Catherine!

Kono walked beside Catherine as they approached one of Catherine's old friends, Jenny. And lucky for them she just happened to be the director of NCIS. She and Catherine had been friends for a long time, and now Catherine was also very close to Jenny's best team. Chin and Danny had met them before and they got along well, Kono however had never met any of the people from DC.

Next up where the people from LA. Everyone knew them, or at least Sam, Callen and Kensi. They had all worked with the team before. Catherine knew everybody, she had worked a case before she had joined 5-0 that involved both teams.

GC: Catherine, this is my girlfriend A-

C: Anna.

GC: How did you know?

A: We worked together in Russia.

GC: Huh, I never knew that.

A: Obviously.

After all the introductions they got back to what they where there for. They had moved themselves to a safe house that NCIS had provided. The room was filled with maps, timetables, schedules and a huge whiteboard.

Catherine pointed to a place on the map, "if he is in here, he will be here."

M: Well that's right at the end of a hall. It seems easy enough.

C: Actually that is the hardest place to get into. There is no way in except for the front entrance.

A: Which means we will have to navigate ourselves through the entire prison.

Catherine knew that if the others hadn't come, this trip would be a suicide mission. But know that they where here she really thought that they had a shot. This was of course only if Steve was still alive. But something in her told her that he was. And if not, the this wouldn't have all been for nothing.

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