Say What?!

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The vacation had been good. They had gone to Kauai. They swam, surfed and hiked. They also did the occasional snorkelling and bike riding. The week off had been beneficial for everyone. Especially the adults. Well except for Danny. He had been put on babysitting duty while everyone else had some "alone time."

Catherine woke up. Even though the vacation was good, it felt good to sleep in her own bed. The day started out like normal, she and Steve woke each other up and got ready, then they made breakfast and drove to work.

Steve walked towards the doors, but Catherine stopped as her phone started to ring. The number came up as "unknown," she showed the phone to Steve and motioned for him to go up.

C: Hello?

Phone: Catherine.

C: Jenny?

J: Yeah.

C: Is everything okay? Why are you calling?

J: Well, a lot of things have happened. We found out that Tony and Ziva have a child.

C: What?!

J: She's almost 1. Her name's Tali.

C: Really? Tony and Ziva. I mean, I always knew that they loved each other.  But uh, never thought they'd have a child.

J: There's more. Yesterday, they where following a lead. Checking out an abandoned warehouse. It was a trap.

C: What do you mean?

J: The people they where chasing, they where waiting for them. Catherine, they died.

C: What?!

J: And I know that this is probably the worst time to tell you but. We found their wills. They say that in the event that they are both to die. They want you and whoever you are with to...

C: To what?

J: To take full custody of Tali.

C: Are you serious?

J: Yes. I know it's bad timing, but I need to know now.

C: Um, ok, uh. Yeah. I'll take her.

J: Don't you want to ask Steve?

C: Uh no. He can stay with me or he can leave me. But either way I'm doing this.

J: Ok. Gibbs and I will bring her out to you. We have a flight tonight. Lands tomorrow morning. McGee will forward you all of the information.

C: Ok. Thanks Jenny.

J: Anytime.

Catherine sighed. She pulled her hair out of her face as she started to cry. Even though she would only see Tony and Ziva a few times a year, she came to consider them great friends. And now she had lost them.

As Catherine walked into the office, Steve knew that something was wrong. He left Danny and Chin by the computer and walked towards her. He walked through their office door just after she did.

S: Catherine?

C: Yeah?

S: Catherine, what's wrong?

C: I just got a call, from Jenny.

S: Jenny? What'd she want?

C: She was just informing me that...

S: That what?

C: That Tony and Ziva, died.

S: What? Oh, Catherine that's terrible, I'm so sorry.

C: Steve, there's more.

S: What do you mean?

C: They have a child.

S: They what?!

C: Her name's Tali, she's almost a year old. 

S: That's awful.

C: Gibbs and Jenny found their wills. They said that in the event that they where to both die, that they left full custody of Tali to, me. And you if we where still together.   

S: So, uh, what are you going to do?

C: I told Jenny that I would take her. And I know that I didn't even ask you, but I understand if you don't want this. And I know that it's sudden and unexpected, but, they left her to me, and I  wasn't just going to abandon her and-

S: Catherine. Stop. I would be more than happy to be a father. You're my wife, I wouldn't leave you for anything. Let's just take a few breathes, and calm down. 

Catherine stopped her rant and did as Steve said. He pulled her closer to him and then eventually into a tight hug.

Catherine stood there, Steve's arms wrapped tightly around her, as tears rolled silently down her face.

C:  They died.


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