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Steve watched as the paramedics did all sorts of things to try and save Catherine. And he watched in horror as she coded. 3 times. 3 times they had to try and get her back. And each time it was even worse to watch 

When they arrived at the hospital they rushed Catherine into surgery, leaving Steve alone in the waiting room. He watched as the doors closed until, he could no longer see Catherine.

A few moments later the rest of his team ran in through the doors. They walked up to Steve and where surprised to actually see him crying. Steve didn't cry very often, if ever. But I guess the possibility of losing Catherine would do it to him.

The team urged Steve to sit down and just a few seconds after they had sat down, a doctor  came
out.  The doctor told Steve that the surgery would take at least 5 hours. Maybe more. Steve looked at his team, giving them the "don't stop me" look, then ran out the door. It took a few moments for everyone else to realize what he was doing. But once they did realize they tore off running towards their cars.

Steve drove like a maniac back to the office. At this moment he didn't care about hurting himself or Catherine. He only thought about hurting Lynn. And he wouldn't stop until she felt he same pain that both he AND Catherine where feeling right now.

Steve through open the door and ran inside. He jumped down the stairs 3 at a time making his 50 foot descent only seconds long. He buzzed open the door and walked inside the cold dark blue room. Lynn sat in the cold metal chair looking anything but helpless. Instead of looking scared about being interrogated by Steve McGarret, she had a devilish smile on her face.

Just as Steve was about to start Danny came running in. He had a somewhat terrified look on his face.

D: Steve.
S: Danny go away. I have to do this.
L: You can't do anything, you're a cop.
S: I don't care.
D: Steve, she's right.
S: Danny.
D: Steve give me your badge.

Steve looked at him confused. Then smiled, he knew what Danny was doing. He roped off his badge and through it at Danny. Danny left the room closing and locking the door after him. Steve came out not 10 minutes later. A sad smile on his face and blood running down his hands. He look around at his team. They two had sad smiles on their faces. Depressed looks as well. Danny handed Steve his badge back then the 4 walked out of the office and out to their cars.

Steve drove a little slower this time, but he still drove with determination and hope. Steve walked in through the doors of the hospital. Everyone else took their time, but eventually caught up to him on the waiting room. It was getting late and they had heard nothing from any doctor. Steve looked around him, and saw that all of his teammates where asleep. He wanted to sleep, but he knew he couldn't. He had to stay awake. If not for himself, then for Catherine.

Finally, after what had to have felt like 3 days, a doctor came through the doors and over to Steve. Steve all but jumped out of his chair, he through on a scared smile then waited for the doctor to speak.

Doctor: She's okay.
S: Really?!
Doctor: Yes. We didn't think she would make it at one point, but she pulled through. She is a very strong women.
S: Yes she is.
Doctor: She's up in Post-Op now, if you would like to go see her. She should be waking up from the anaesthesia soon.
S: I would love to.
Doctor: I will take you to her room.
S: Thank you.
Doctor: Are you the boyfriend or...?
S: Husband. We actually got married last month.
Doctor: Oh congratulations. Do you mind me asking what you do for a living?
S: Well, we both serve on the Navy, and on top of that we are cops.
Doctor: Wow. That's amazing.
S: Yah.
Doctor: Well here is her room. You can stay as long as you want.
S: Thank you. For everything.
Doctor: My pleasure.

Steve walked into Catherine's room. She looked a little better than when he last saw her, she was less pale and there was less blood, everywhere. He pulled up a chair next to her bed. He sat down and slide the chair closer so that he could hold her hand. He took her hand in his, gently giving it a reassuring squeeze. He knew that she was still out, but he thought that maybe, just maybe, she would feel it.

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