Chapter 2

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Your POV
I end up waking up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I turn to my side and look at my phone shutting it off. I check the time 5:45, I groan to myself not wanting to get up. I turn my head squinting my eyes to my door and see it's wide open. I shot my eyes completely open and sit up quickly. I grab my hair feeling it's still there and look at the ground seeing there's no hair on the ground. I sigh in relief knowing I still have my hair, I kept my hair (h/l) because my mom always liked (h/l) hair so I kept it for her. I get up off my bed, fully awake and go to the door and closes it. I go to my bathroom that's in my room and take a shower after I was done I put on a outfit that I planed last night. I quickly threw it on and looked in the mirror. I was wearing a fall out boy shirt with red lettering and black ripped pants with black and white converse. I then go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth after I was done with that I grab some foundation and covered the bruises on my right cheek, it was healing pretty fast but it still hurts. I then grab my black hoodie to cover my arm bruises and cuts on my wrists and walk down stairs. I go strait to the kitchen and saw A piece of paper on the counter it I grab the paper and read it to myself it was from my dad it read.

I can't drop you off at school today I had to go to work early so your going to have to walk. It's going to be like this everyday now so  get use to it and don't be late getting home and to school. I want food ready as soon as I get home understand. I won't be home again to night I have plans to go out and (y/n) I want the house clean as well. Put all my stuff and all the other stuff away understand me and if it's not done I'm kicking you out again and this time I won't let you eat before you leave so it better be done.

I sigh to myself. I went to grab my phone from my pocket but I forgot I left it in my room I run back up stairs and quickly grab my phone. I check my phone it was 6:20 and school starts at 8:00 and I have to walk 2 miles. I run down stairs and grab my back pack from the bottom of the floor and ran out the door hoping and praying I would make it on time before school starts.

Time skip because I'm too lazy to write about the run to school

I make it in time I took out my phone and check the time 7:45 'just in time to get my schedule and go check out which classes I have' think to myself I run inside the school and head to the office I end up getting my schedule as soon as I got in there I guess they where waiting for me then a nice lady behind the desk shows me to my class I have sciences first with Mrs.Daniels  the bell rings as soon as we walk in there the class room immediately fills up she then tells me to sit a the table in the back of the room and wait for me to be actually be seated somewhere after the everyone sits at there desk there was two empty spots in the second to the last row open I was told to sit there I nod my head and walked towards and sit down I immediately hear whispers behind me I kept my head down but in the corner of my eye I see people staring at me and pointing at me my heart was pounding 'can they see my bruises did I miss a bruise did I not blend in the make up very well on the bruises please tell me they can't see anything please please tell me they don't notice' I thought worriedly to myself "okay I will be taking roll now please say here when I call your name got it" said the science teacher which got there attention off of me thankfully she starts calling our names which goes smoothly until she yells out "Chandler Riggs" the room gets quiet and you can here a few giggles here and there but no one says anything "Chandler Riggs" she calls out again still no one answers she sighs and whispers something I can't make out she was then about to continue but the door slams everyone turns around except for me not wanting to make eye contact with who ever was there "why are you late Mr.Riggs again" Mrs.Daniels says the room gets silent but you can here the girls giggling " well you see I was looking hell and it took me awhile but I finallyfound it" said the boy in front me and everyone els everyone starts to laugh and a couple boys start yelling out savage and all kinds of other crap "well Chandler since you finally made it here do you mind taking a seat next to umm (Y/N) please" Mrs.Daniels says my eyes open wide 'why did I have to sit here why did you have to sit me next to this kid' I think to myself I then here hear a girl yell out "he can sit next to me it an open seat" "or me you don't want to sit with a girl like her do you Chandler I mean look at her she can't even look up at anybody she's too scared" said another girl 'if only you knew' I thought to myself I then see at the corner of my eye see him sit next to me he started staring at me but  I kept my head down no matter what I sighed and took out a led pencil out of my jacket pocket and grabbed a notebook out if my back pack and put it in front of me opening to a new blank page " okay class we will be having a science project that will be dew at the end of this 9 weeks so make suer you get it done I will be choosing partners for you lets start Gray with Hana, Colin with Sasha, Sam with Emily Jacob with Amber, Chandler with (Y/N) I shot my head up and looked at the teacher like she was completely insane she looked at me then ignored me she pared up the rest of the class and gave us what we had to work on we where studying on the brain I sighed to my myself then the bell ringed I got up and grabbed my back pack and headed out the door along with other kids I looked at my schedule seeing I had social studies next room 234 I started looking around the hall for the room 234 '230, 231, 232, 233, 234 yes finally I found it' I thought to myself I was about to walk in when someone grabbed my back pack and threw me to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach I look up and see a girl with long blond hair she had red lipstick on and a white dress on after the bell rang they ran off to there classes I got up off the ground and went strait to the girls bathroom as soon as I got in there I checked if there where any girls in there which there wasn't I looked at myself in the mirror and saw blood on my lip and my stomach was bruised I didn't bother me though I'm use to it my dad douse this to me all the time I clean off the blood from my lip and walked to my next class I was in time for the second bell to ring everyone looked at me and started laughing at me I stood there for a while then the teacher pointed to a seat in the corner at the back of the class which I gladly took the teacher then starts counting down from 10 to 1 as soon as he hits one that Chandler kid comes in with a smirk on his face as if he just won something that he knew he was going to get I look at the teacher "Chandler you almost made it on time if you would have came about 10 seconds ago you wouldn't have been that late but next time have a seat in your real seat today please" said the teacher Chandler smiles again and says "dang really I was hoping I would be later then I was last time but I'm early sorry Mr. Garcia but you won't be seeing me on regular class period anytime soon" as he says his lasts words he walks over to his seat which I end up noticing it's next to me I scoot over a little as he sits at the table next to me he then takes a seat next to me and looks at me I'm looking down but I can see him in the corner of my eye he is staring at me but soon looks away the school day goes by slow but finely ends as soon as the school bell rings to go home I run out the door and start heading home as I'm walking home I see the 3 girls that beat me in the hall there where laughing at me then one of them comes up to me and hands me a piece of paper and tells me to read it I opens it and it reads

Do us all a favor and kill your self no one wants you here everyone hates you and your a wast of space bitch and you need to die so I left you a blade at the bottom of the page now take it and kill your self

I look at the bottom of the page and see the blade I look up in shock and see her laughing at me she the shoves me and I fall in the middle of the rode still holding the piece of paper I get up off the ground and run all the way home crying as soon as I get home I run to my bathroom and lock the door I take the blade of the paper and start cutting my wrist I kept cutting all up my arms, my stomach, legs and across my wrist this wasn't my first time I had cut myself I did it all the time but I threw it away so I can stop after I stopped crying I stopped cutting my wrist and looked up at the mirror and wiped my tears away and head back down stairs and started cleaning and cooking at the same time just in case he did come home after I finished cleaning and cooking I put the cleaning stuff away and the boxes away in the garage and put the food in the fridge I wasn't hungry I then head up starts and got in the shower after I was done I but my pjs back on and locked my door making sure it's locked and laid down on my bed and cried  myself to sleep

(A/N) chapter 2 is done it's long but it's done and I know it sucks I know trust me I know  but here you guys go. Sorry it took so long, I will try to keep up with the writing, anyways here you go.

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