Wishes are fairytails

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Thangs you need to know ( I'm sorry I had to)
F/b: favorite band
H/s: hair style


I haven't been going to school in the last couple of days and my father has been gone since he showed up at school Tuesday. I've been home alone and I don't mind it one bit.

I sat in a very near dim room, my room to be exact. Before my father left, he was waiting till I got off of school and went home. If I would have known he was waiting for me, I would have never came home in the first place. When I got home, I was immediately hit, it seemed to me my father was more upset then usual.

When I walked threw the door, he hit me in the back of the head with a metal bat and kept beating me with it till I passed out. That lasting I remember was walking threw the door and falling. Of course I remember the bat and the pain that tagged along but I want to forget it now. My face is covered in bruises and I can barely move my body, every move I make, every breath I take, my body aches with pain. My thighs, stomach and wrist hurt as well, for I took a blade to my skin not to long ago. I laid underneath the covers of my somewhat comfortable bed and was falling asleep when a knock was heard at the front door. I sit up slowly and slowly exit my bedroom, as I make my way to the door, the knocking continues and I try my best to speak but nothing comes out.

I open the door and to my surprise, it's.....Chandler.....his face, he looked so worried and it looked like he wanted to scream, yell, cry, shout, jump, laugh, all that the same time. I wasn't sure of what to do, so I just stood there, at my door.

He says nothing to me, his eyes widen as he looks at my face, legs, and arms. I was wearing pajama shorts and a short sleeve shirt. I move to the side to let him in, he takes the hint and walks in. I close the door and and we stand in silence by the door, I didn't know what to say and I sure as hell was curious on why he was here.

"W-where's your b-bathroom?" Chandler asked

I pointed up stairs and he gently grabs my hands and pulls me to the bathroom I pointed to. Once we make it to the bathroom, he sits me on the toilet seat, luckily the cover was down and I didn't, well yeah. He wets some paper towels and adds some soap on to it. He rinses out some of the water from the towel and gently cleans up my wounds. As he cleans them, he looks closer at my legs and I quickly stand.

"E-excuse me I-i m-must change I-into some new cloths, I won't be long." I said stuttering a bit.

I walk into my room and throw on some leggings and a white T-shirt, then a hoodie. I walk out of my room and noticed Chandler is no where to be seen.

"Did he leave?" I whispered to myself.

"No, I didn't...I'm still here." Chandler spoke softly.

I turn and face him, his face showed sadness and I could tell he felt bad. I sigh and walk up to him. I stair at his eyes, which were practically begging not to make eye contained. His eyes were looking down and his head hung low, he wasn't his smiling  bad boy self at this moment. I sigh and placed my index finger under his chin and gently forced him to look at me. His eyes were bright as always but they also had tears pouring out, they were so bright and blue, they reminded me of the ocean.

"There's no need to cry, it's over now, it won't happen again." I lie threw my teeth.

Chandler stops crying

"Please...don't lie to me." He says lowly and said it as if I just stabbed his cat or something, he was upset I was lying to him.

"Chandler?" I said.

"Please don't lie to me, in order to make me feel better, because I know this isn't the first time. And I know that's not the first time you told that lie." Chandler said shouting just a bit.

'But how, everyone always believes that lie, they never really second guess it.'

"Chandler I-" I was cut off.

"Please...I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened....I know I have to gain your trust, but I won't leave your side okay. For now on you are my friend and I will introduce to all my friends, okay." Chandler said while crying just a bit.

I nod my head hesitating a bit. He brings me into a tight hug, I was surprised at his actions and was debating weather or not to return his hug or just stand there till he lets go. He let's go before I could make a decision. I couldn't tell if he was talking about having bruises all over my body or the cuts I had on my body, but he wanted to help me threw it. To be honest, hearing someone say they will be with me and will stay by my side, is heart warming and a bit petrifying at the same time. Heart warming cause I know I won't go threw it alone and I will have someone, and petrifying because I will have someone that could go around and tell everyone what happened to me and use my weaknesses against me. It wouldn't be the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last time. We continued to stand there in silence and it was pretty awkward, for me at least. Chandler's phone begins to ring and he pulls it out if his pocket and answer it.

"Yeah, what about it? So, oh, well maybe, sure, what time? where is it at? I guess, yeah, okay, alright, how much? Okay, bye" was all that he really said on the phone, I couldn't hear what the person on the other side was saying.

Chandler looks at me and a small smile spreads on his face.

"W-what?" I asked shyly

"How would you like to go out today?" Chandler asked with his smile getting just a bit bigger.

"Umm. Where to?" I asked

"How about we go to the arcade?"He asked while holding up his phone.

"I've never been to a arcade!" I shout a bit from excitement.

Chandler laughs

"Okay well we are going and so that means, unless you are wearing what you are wearing now, you can go change, I can wait." Chandler said with a smirk and lead up against my wall.

"Okay, I will be right back." I said full of excitement.

I run up stairs and throw on a f/b tee, brush my hair into a h/s, put on my favorite shoes and run into the bathroom room to brush my teeth then ran back down stairs. Chandler was looking around the house as I was getting dress.

"Umm, I'm r-ready." I said strutting a bit.

He turns to me and smiles

"Let's go." He said with a kind smile.

I return the smile and we head out the door. I have to admit, I was a bit excited and nervous at the same time. Only because I've never really talked to anyone really, I'm a bit antisocial as you would say. Hopefully in some way, Chandler will really stay by my side and not walk away from me.

A/n: sorry I took update, school is out so I should be able to update a lot more now. No promises. But I will see you guys soon, bye.

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