Problem child

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I woke up with a huge migraine and I felt sick to my stomach. I looked around the room I was sleeping in and didn't recognize it. I slowly make my way out of bed and exit the room and was greeted my the smell of egg, bacon, and sausage, with a flight of stairs. I make my way down the stairs and followed the sent to the kitchen, where I see a boy, shirtless and wearing basketball shorts. I stand there for a minute, surprise, then the boy turns around.

"Your up, good." Chandler said smiling.

I smile back and hands me a cup of water and a bottle pills that said ibuprofen. I take the drink and the pills and take them. Chandler smiles and goes back to cooking.

"Sorry, about the sleep wear, all I had was basketball shorts and one of my shirts. The dress you were wearing was torn and had the smell of alcohol, I didn't want you sleeping like that." He says, while he is still cooking.

My eyes widen and I look down at what I was wearing, I had on red shirt the says coke (the soda,not the drug) on it and black basketball shorts, that were a little big on me. I stay frozen, looking at my legs, realizing how easy it was for him, just to see everything I keep silent, instead of screaming. I suddenly felt something warm wrap around me and I soon realized, it was Chandler, he was hugging me.

"I won't ask you to talk about, just know when you are ready, I will be here to listen. If you ever feel like doing that again, call me, call me and I will be there within seconds and I will hold you till you feel that I am truly here for you. If you want to cry, scream, laugh, or just whine, I will be there to hold you when you cry. I will be there to laugh with you, I will be there to listen when you feel like screaming, I will whine with you. No matter what, I will always be here for you. Yes I've said this a million times but I will say it again. I will forever and always be here with you." Chandler said rubbing my my back and hugging me.

My eyes water and I start to cry in his shoulder, since school started, Chandler and I became a little more closer to one another and I always thought his friends were nice. Be he meant it when he said he would stay by my side. To be honest, I never believed when someone said they will stand by me, but Chandler meant every little letter that came out of his mouth. Of course my depression never went away, but I can say I'm a bit more happy then I was at the beginning of the year, and that's all because of Chandler. Chandler's seen, the scars, bruises, scratches on my body and never once has he asked about them, he always told me, 'when you're ready and feel safe, tell me and I will be there to listen. I told him very little, but never has he asked for me then I was giving him. I felt safe with him and I haven't felt that way in such along time.

As I continued to cry in his shoulder, he would hug me tightly and tell me, everything is going to be okay. Yes we've been friends, but I didn't want him to know about my body scars, for the fear he would leave me, but I was wrong, I was so wrong. He saved me from Ron, Saved me from feeling alone, saved me from feeling lost.

Soon I stoped crying and Chandler release me from his tight hug and smiles at me. We sit down at the table and Chandler places the plate of food, that he made and we start eating. It was quiet and I didn't mind, as I was eating, there is a flash and I look up to see Chandler, taking a picture of me. My eye widen and I try to steel his phone from him. He laughs and since he's taller then me (I'm sorry if you are taller then Chandler, but please just go with it.) he raises his hand up in the air so I'm unable to reach the phone. I jump and stand on my tippy toes but still, I'm unable to reach it.

"*laughs* come on princess, get the phone." Chandler teases.

"Chan, no I look gross, delete it, please, Chandler please delete it." I whine.

He laughs and starts typing on his phone. My eyes widen, thinking he sending the of me to someone, I start to try and jump higher to try and reach the phone, but the dude raises his phone higher.

"Done." Chandler announced

"Done? What do you mean done? Did you send it to someone?" I asked, a bit worried.

"Nope." Chandler says, smiling happily.

I look down at me feet and my face becomes a little red.

"Did you post it?" I ask, ready to feel defeated.

"No, I did something better." He said happily.

I look up at him, confused and he shows me his phone. He used the photo of me, for my contacts photo. I sigh in relief, then he presses the home button and I'm on his home screen. My eyes widen, then she press the lock screen, and look at that, it's the photo of me, eating scrambled eggs, with bacon on the side of my lip, and looking up at Chandler with big puppy dogs eyes and my hair a mess. My face turned red and he laughs.

"Chandler, take it off," I whine and cover my face.

"No, you look so cute." He laughs.

"I'm going to get you back, just watch." I say, heading back to the table.

"Try me shorty." He said with a playful smile.

"I'm not short, your just tall" I say looking up at him.

He laughs and sits back down and we both start to laugh and eat.

(Time skip after breakfast, brought to you by, Chandler's dorkieness (I don't know how to spell)

After we finished eating, me and Chandler head to his room and I lay down on his bed and he put in a movie, then lays down with me. We start to watch the movie, but then I end up falling asleep next to Chandler.

Chandler's POV (bet you didn't expect that probably did)

I turn to say something to y/n but she is already asleep.

'Lazy dork' I thought

I moved a strain of hair that was covering her face, she looked so peaceful when she's sleeping. I couldn't ask for someone better in my life. I do feel bad about what happen last night,

"But I promise y/n, I will never let you out of my sight again, no matter where you go, I will stand by you, to make you laugh and will hug you when you cry and will be there when you are angry. Because you deserve a little happiness in such a painful home. I will give you happiness, if it's the last thing I do." I whispered to y/n, who was peacefully sleeping.

She starts to move in her sleep and moves closer to me, I smile and hug her. She nuzzles her head in my chest and cuddles up to me. My mom and dad are in Las Angels for 6 weeks so I didn't worry to much on them walking in on me. She looked like a little cat, to be honest. I laugh and watch the movie, that I put in so we both can watch it, but no, someone had to have fallen asleep. I joke with myself. Her world is so small and yet, she some how makes it seem beautiful and big. I soon start to drift off into sleep, and I hold y/n just big closer, just before, I fall to sleep in a peaceful, slumber.

A/n: really sucky chapter, I know. But I didn't want to write a really late chapter, so I came up with this at 5:07 in the morning. Anyways, I will update very soon and I will see all you lovely fans latter, byee.

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