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Your POV

I had woken up to the sound of toilets flushing and soon came to realize where I was. I quickly jump up and flush the toilet, to pretend I was doing my business and I quickly walk out. As I walk out I noticed the janitor and he noticed me, he gives me a small smile and told me to wait before I leave the bathroom. I nod and return his smile, he pulls out a note to the office and tells me to head to the nurse and say red apple. I was confused on why but was soon reminded that where I was and had slept was not the greatest place to be. I thanked the janitor and he just gave me a warm smile and told me to run quickly before the school fills up a bit more. I quickly made my way to the office then to the nurses room. As I entered the room she sat behind her desk and was reading a book call the forever song. She looks up from her book and smiles then asked what I needed. I handed her the slip of paper that the janitor had given me then said red apple. She laughs and motions me to follow her, which I curiously did and we ended up inside her closet. I was a bit confused but then she pulled out a box of clothes. She smiles warmly then hands me a toothbrush, you know the ones that are bought from the store that comes in a packet of two. She hands me that and some toothpaste that was still in the box and hasn't been open. I looked up at her, giving her the what the hell is happing face. She start to laughs and speaks.

"Hector the janitor, the one who sent you. Yeah red apple is a code word we use when we found a child or student a sleep in the school, before school hours. He told you to see me so I could give you some clean close and wash your dirty ones. And the toothbrush and toothpaste is so you can brush your teeth of course." She said with a smile.

I nod my head staying quiet and was told I can take a shower if I like. And that there are some clean towels I can use. I happily take the offer and head to the shower after I picked out the cloths of course. Once done and dried I run my fingers threw my wet hair, trying to brush out whatever I can and walk out of the bathroom. The nurse offers to take my dirty cloths so they can be washed and I hand them to her. She throughs away the note that Hector gave her and she hands me a donut. I happily accept it and took little bites, trying to savor and enjoy every sweet taste it brought. She laughs and says that I can leave now and that she will call me out of class to reserve my cloths. I nodded and was about to walk off but then stoped and turned to her. She looked at me with the same smile then asked if I needed anything els. I'm quite for a moment but then asked

"How many times does this kind of thing happen?" She's quite for a moment, thinking of an answer for the question I asked then speaks again.

"Not often, actually it happens every now and then but nothing major. Me and Hector feel sorry for the kids who end up falling a sleep at school and spend the night here. So we came up with a code word and make sure kids aren't in trouble for spending the night at school. We don't ask why they decided to spend the night so instead we give them clean cloths, clean shower and stuff to clean there teeth with. I'm at least happy to see them, clean and ready for school." She says while putting the cloths away.

I nod my head in understanding and thank her then headed out into the halls. Luckily I still had my backpack and didn't need to worry if notes where needing to written down today.

Time skip to lunch brought to you by Chandlers adorable little smile

'Finely...lunch' I thought, I head to my locker that I had and start to put some of my books away and grab my lunch bag, in hope I had some food left from yesterday's meal. I open the bag and saw nothing but wrappers and a small water bottle that was empty. I sighed and threw away the old bag and headed outside. 'I should have saved that donut' I whispered to myself, as I was walking outside my stomach started growling. I gasped and grabbed my stomach trying to keep it quiet but that wasn't working. It continued to growl and I started whining and whispering 'shut up already, I know your hungry, now let me walk in peace' to my stomach as if it could hear me. It continued on and I stoped walking in the abandoned hallways and hugged my stomach, trying to keep it quiet.

"I wish I had money to get lunch" I lightly spoke.

I sigh and started walking again, as I continued walking I hear someone shout at me.

"You look like you were would you like something to eat y/n?"

I stop in my tracks and turn to the person that was talking to me. I noticed a pizza box in the persons and quickly recognized the person.

"Chandler..where did you come from and when?" I asked curiously.

He laughs and and answer my questions while handing me the pizza box.

"I was in the classroom next to the one you came out of and I heard your stomach and you yelling at your stomach to shut up. I guess you didn't make a lunch today huh?" He said as he started to eat his pizza to.

I sigh and nod my head. I take a bit of my pizza and savor the delicious flavor. Chandler and I continued to walk down the hall, enjoying our pizza. The bell rings and we head off to our next period together. As I was walking I felt someone grab my arm tightly and shove me to the wall. I look at the persons and recognized, it was my father.

He starts to shout and cuss at me. I couldn't move nor could I speak. He ready his fist and aimed for my face, was interrupted by kids gasping and staring at us. My father removes himself from me and walks away. Chandler looked at me worryingly, I said nothing and ran to the bathroom, while he stood shocked.

A/N: okay sorry it so long my to write this and that it sucks but I had to write another story. Anyways here is this chapter and I will write another one soon. Enjoy byee

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