I dream about you

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"Come on Chandler we're going to be late if you don't hurry!" I hear y/n shout happily.

I turn to the direction she was in and found her waving to get my attention. We where next to the school where we first met. A smile spreads on my face and I make my way towards her. She smiles to me and suddenly the world around me goes dark and y/n disappears. I stop in my tracks and the event of her father about to hit her in front of me, shows up in the distance. I stood in the same place I did on that day and did nothing to stop it. I shut my eyes and the events disappear. I end up hearing someone crying in the distance.

"Who's crying?" I asked myself.

"Who's there, are you alright?" I asked whoever was crying.

I start to walk towards them and the closer I got, the closer I was able to see the figure but unable to see who it was.  As I looked at the person in front of me. I noticed they where sitting next to something and was starring at it. I followed the gaze and it was an empty box. Confused I turn to the person and sat next to them.

"Are you alright? Is there a reason that you are crying?" I asked with a soft voice.

As the person is about to say something but I end up waking up from my weird dream. I laid in bed for a few more minutes or so but then got up and decided to head down stairs. Once down stairs, I head to the kitchen and noticed a note that had been sitting on the counter. I grab the note and read what it said.

Chandler, your father, and I went on a business trip and won't be home for 9 weeks or so. Your brother is spending the night at his friends tonight, so don't worry about him. I trust you will keep to the house till we come back. Please be careful and we will see you soon.


I sigh and placed the note back on the counter and walked to the fridge, taking out a small bottle of apple juice and heading back to my room, where I hear my phone start to ring. Once in my room, I grab my phone and saw the caller ID said unknown. I hesitate to answer it but quickly answered it when the annoying ring kept going on and on.

Call starts

Me: "hello?"

"It's your brother, I'm using my friends phone since mine died. Did mom tell you I was staying with them for a week?"

Me: "mom told me you where staying the night but not the whole week."

Grayson: "well I called her a few hours ago and asked if I could stay longer, she said that is was fine but for me to call and let you know."

Me: "alright, call if your dying or something. I don't care."

Grayson: " I bet if y/n had called you, would have been all 'call me of there is anything bothering you and what not.'"

Me: "shut up"

Grayson: *laughs* okay I will let you go, see you next week."

Me: "sure, whatever, bye."

Call ends

Once I hang up the phone, I get a text from Brianna but ignored it for still being pissed at her for what she, Katlyn and Ron did to y/n. I get another text from her and decided to just put my phone on vibrate. Once done I head to my bathroom, brushed my teeth then headed back down stairs and watched some tv. A few hours passed by and I end up falling a sleep on the couch.

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