Chapter 1

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Saeran sighed deeply as the door opened. he put the Arabic dictionary back to his bag. he passed thru the triple security system the house has, he entered the hallway still bummed.

"What a pain, that I have to bring this dictionary with me every time I'll visit. I definitely memorized the most part but you, idiot keeps on changing the question for the passwords." Saeran complained to saeyoung/707, who is standing infront of him with a huge grin on his face. He glared at his twin brother to show how irritated he is right now.

They both have scruffy bright red hair and golden eyes, since saeran change his hair back to its natural color when he was recovering 5 years ago.

Although Saeyoung/707, usually wears black jacket with yellow-orange accents along with his glasses which is color yellow and black stripes, Saeran on the other hand preferred brown long sleeves and black pants.

"Hey hey hey don't be like that, you know its for the safety of your favorite niece and nephew, who by the way, missed you so much!" saeyoung/707 said happily as he hugged him.

saeran soften after hearing that "yeah, I know but your still an idiot" he one armed hug his annoying twin brother and let him go. "Come on, im here for the kids, not you" he teased his twin.

saeyoung/707 jaw dropped, he then run inside while pretending that he's crying "MC! MC!!!! saeraaaan said he didn't visit because of me!" saeran shakes his head as he followed his dumb hyper brother.

At the living room Saeran saw MC, saeyoung/707 wife. until now he can't believe that the girl he used to get to the R.F.A, will be the one making his twin brother happy. He looked away when he realized that he's staring at them and that unwanted feelings like; jealousy is creeping into him just by watching how MC comforts his brother. One of the reason why he left this house.

While recovering he was happy for his brother when he got married and having a niece and nephew was a new exciting experience and even helped saeran get better but later on, he can't help it not to be jealous to see his brother happy with his own family.

such thoughts like "He won't forget about me right? now that he has a family of his own."

"MC..I.. I.. saw her first, I was the one who led her to the apartment. so why is she not mine? was she supposed to be mine?"

"My brother didn't steal her from me, right ? but I saw her first.."

"I should be the one she loves and have a family with.."

"Will I ever have someone who will love me? will I ever have a happy family of my own?"

"This is his fault why im alone! wait! no! this isn't right! my brother won't do that! NO! don't think like that.. no.." and many more thoughts keep on disturbing him and he didn't want it to get worst that's why he decided to leave. So he can be genuinely happy for them.

He cleared his throat as he realized that he got lost in his thoughts. "I can't believe you married my pathetic brother. just look at him acting like an idiot" he let out a soft laugh.

MC giggled "Well I've gotten used to his sillyness. im so glad you came, saeyoung is getting worried and we missed you, especially the kids they kept on asking for you"

"I know, that idiot sent me a message every hour. i've been busy with work so I can't come right away. sorry" he smiled a bit at mc then he turn his attention to his brother. "Why are you worried? its only been 2 weeks since my last visit. We text every hour and you call everyday"

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