Chapter 8

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <-- it means Insert Your Name.

Since the main reason he's here is to bond with his nephew and niece, Saeran was playing with the kids while Mc and Saeyoung/707 were baking in the kitchen, he would force on a smile and play with them even if his inside feels empty and dying, His phone was always besides him or on his hand but he doesn't have the strength to reply to all of (y/n) texts. He's been receiving texts every hour and call that he never answer, every 30mins.

ji su stopped playing and hugged her uncle. "Whats wrong uncle? you look sad" Saeran placed his phone beside him and hugged her back then looked at her. "Nothing is wrong princess, see?" he smiled broadly but it didn't reached his eyes the sadness was still there. "Hmp! that's not how you smile, uncle" the little girl snuggle up to him. "Im fine, ji su. Let's just play or what else do you want to do?" she just shake her head and hugged him. Saeran smiled weakly.

He felt much worse now that the kids can see right through him and they were being affected as well, he tried to be upbeat and playful with them but it's not working. Sung min was playing with his toy car, he glanced up to his uncle and sister. "Uncle?" Saeran looked at him "Yes?" Sung min crawled to them. "Who is the pretty girl you're with at the Amusement park?" Ji su smiled that question was something she probably wanted to ask as well. "Yeah uncle, who is she?" Saeran glanced at his phone which lights up, signaling that he received a text. "She's (y/n)..she is.. my friend"

Sung min gasped in excitement. "Bring her here! we wanted to play with her too!" Saeran ruffles his hair. "I don't know sung min, she's..." he sighed. "She's busy with work, maybe some other time? ok?" the two kids giggled. "Yay!!"

Saeyoung/707 leaned on the door. "Kids, the cake is done! go on, go to your mother and enjoy!" he pats their heads as they excitedly walked passed him. "Ah! ah! ah! No running!" he told them. "Yes dad!"

Saeran checked his phone and read her text, she's still begging for him to talk to her. Saeyoung/707 observed his brother then cleared his throat. "H-hey? how about you, do you want some cake?" saeran just shaked his head while his eyes are glued on to the screen of his phone. "Well.. we got ice cream and candies too!" saeran was still busy on his phone. "I don't want them, I just want to be alone." he said without even looking at his brother.

"Alright, but if you change your mind... there's 10 ice cream with different flavors on the fridge." Saeyoung/707 was hoping that will get his attention but it didn't that it almost break his heart seeing his brother like that, since he knows how much saeran loves ice cream. "I said I don't want-- huh? 10 ice cream? are you hoarding ice cream now along with honey butter chips?"

"It's not hoarding! I.. i just wanted to help to make you feel better" Saeyoung/707 was really concerned for him and like always he doesn't know how to help him. Saeran smiled a bit, he appreciates his effort even if most of the time, Or everytime his idiot brother is annoying and exaggerated as hell. "Thank you, saeyoung but I just really want to be alone." his brother understood and nodded then left him to give him some space.

He went to his room and re-read all of her texts:

'Saeran.. Im home now, I hope you got home safe.'

'I don't understand what happened to you saeran, why you acted like that.. please tell me what's wrong'

'Please talk to me, saeran..'

'Saeran, please talk to me I really want to understand you and what's going on'

'Saeran, Im really sorry if I was being too fast.. I just can't hide how I feel anymore, and I thought you felt the same way.. that's why I said it. I was wrong but please don't be like this'

'Please answer my call or text.. please, saeran'

And there were many more texts in his inbox, his thumb clicked the reply option but all he did was to type and erase, type and stare at it then erase it once again. He closed the inbox and went to the gallery, he looked at their picture when they were inside the ferris wheel. He zoomed on her face, and he smiled bittersweet.

"(y/n) im really sorry.. Im a messed up person, you deserve someone better, someone that can make you happy and love you --" he almost dropped his phone, realization hits him. "Someone else that will Love (y/n) and she'll love him back?.." tears fell down his cheeks. it hurts thinking that could be possible, that someone else can make her smile, someone else will take care of her, to be with her, protect her and most of all love her.

He closed his eyes and remembers how he saved her, how she took good care of him, their late night conversation, their lunch together and movie marathon and lastly.. their date. Yes it was a date. A really wonderful date that got ruined because he's such a coward. Regret was filling him up again, he tried focusing on the events that happened during at the Amusement park, especially when they were at the Ferris wheel. When they both leaned forward, their lips almost touched and when (y/n) said: 'Saeran.. I love you!' he opened his eyes. "I Love you too" tears keeps on streaming down his cheeks. "I love you too, (y/n)"

He was now laughing hysterically at how stupid he is for just realizing it now. what those unfamiliar feelings are and why he felt those, because he was also falling inlove for (y/n). He love (y/n)! for the first time ever he falls in love, he never thought it was possible for him to fall in love or someone will love him.. but it happened, And he's still scared probably more scared now than before.

He skipped dinner and sulk in his room. he let the time passed by, by just staring at their picture. it's almost midnight when his phone rings, (y/n) is calling but he didn't answer it, She called again but he declined the call again. after some minute he received a text.

~(y/n): Saeran, im here at the park nearby your house and im going to stay here until you come here and talk to me!~

He immediately sits up as he reads the text, he checked the time and it was really late for her to be outside, all alone. "what?!"

~Saeran: Go home now. Im at my brother's place~

~(y/n): I don't care where you are. im staying here and wait for you~

"Damn it!" He grabbed his bag and quickly put his shoes on as he made his way out of his room. Saeyoung/707 had just closed the door to the kids bedroom and saw saeran in a hurry. "Oi! where are you going?!"

"(y/n) is being stubborn, waiting for me in a park. I gotta go, I'll text you later!" saeran shouted as he run towards to the door and left. "eh?? Well be careful!!" saeyoung/707 shouted back as he sighed.

As soon as he arrived at the said park, he runned to every part to look for her, he's so worried that something bad might happen to her again, and if something bad happen he will kill whoever will hurt her. He stopped running and felt relieved to saw her sitting on the bench, he approached her slowly.

"What the hell has gotten into you? do you know what time it is?!" He said. She looked up to him. her cheeks are puffed, her nose is slightly red from all the crying she did. "Because you were ignoring me, I had to do something so you'll talk to me"

"How can you endanger yourself like that?! just so I'll talk to you? what if I didn't show up?!" the girl stands up and shouted back. "I don't care if you don't show up! I'll still wait for you no matter what!"

Saeran sighed trying to calm down and trying not to get mad at how reckless she is. "What do you want then?"

"I want to know whats wrong.. and if.. if you don't feel the same way at least have the decency to tell me!"

They were staring at each other again. he's debating if he should tell the truth or lie, to accept her or push her away again? but before he can decide. it started raining he didn't have a choice but for them to go to his house.

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