Chapter 7

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <--- it means Insert Your Name

Morning came and they were all done eating breakfast, saeran was at the guest room getting ready to leave for his date- He was standing infront of the full body-length mirror, his face turned red as he shake his head and exhaled deeply. "No. this is not a date.." he said to himself unsure.

He was wearing his usual clothes, He was excited and nervous at the same time but surprisingly for today, he focused on being excited and happy even if some thoughts were bothering him, he told himself to be positive for now.

He opened the door and the smile on his face immediately disappeared, his brother Saeyoung/707 was there waiting for him with a huge grin on his face. "What the hell are you doing there?!" saeran said. "What the hell are you wearing?!" Saeyoung/707 answered back in disapproval.

Saeran looked down to his clothes and felt self-conscious. "What's.. What's wrong with it?" Saeyoung/707 crossed his arms and shake his head. "That is not how you dress for your first date, dear brother! come on" Saeyoung/707 pulled him back to his room, and started rummaging through the cabinet and drawers. "You need to look  cool, and handsome and----" Saeran sighed. "THIS. IS. NOT. A. DATE!!" Saeyoung/707 only gave him a look that says: 'Yeah whatever, keep telling that to yourself' and proceed on, he kept on throwing clothes at saeran.

"Ugh! none of these will do" saeyoung/707 said in panic. "Idiot brother, Can I go now?!" Saeran said but saeyoung/707 ignored him, he even showed saeran his old clothes and accessories: The black jacket, red tank top and his black choker and a black spiked bracelet. "This.. this will make you look so cool and mysterious! ah we can borrow some liquid eyeliner from mc! and you can bring one of my car!" saeyoung/707 was getting too excited to noticed that Saeran was getting annoyed. Saeran hitted his brother on his head, not too hard but just to make him snapped out of it.

"For the last time, it's not a date! and im not wearing those and im not taking your car, got it?" Saeran said as he tried to talk in a calm way. Saeyoung/707 looked like he was about to cry. "Im sorry if I get carried away! I just wanted to help you out!"

Saeran sighed again. "I know.. thank you but I can handle it on my own." the twins went out of the room. "My little brother is all grown up!" saeyoung/707 said while hugging him. "Shut up, saeyoung"

Mc saw them. "Where are you two going?" Saeran couldn't answer, well he didn't know what to answer. He doesn't want to consider it as a date, since why will it be a date? why would someone date a guy like him? thats one of the thoughts that kept bothering him last night. He can accept it more if.. if it were friends just hanging out?? but a date? it's just too hard to believe and he didn't want to think ahead like that.

Saeyoung/707 wrapped his arms around Saeran's neck that made him snapped out of his thoughts, and to his surprise Saeyoung/707 answered for him without teasing him "He's needed urgently for work. The kids will surely understand it'll be probably just half the day or so, right saeran??"

Saeran nodded. "Y-yeah it's about work.. I'll be home as soon as I can." Saeran was thankful but he didn't want to let his guard down, it felt so odd that his brother wasn't pestering him about this "going out with a friend" to others. Knowing saeyoung/707 he can't help it but to be suspicious about him.

He said Good bye's to them and left. After an hour he arrived at the Amusement park earlier than to the time they agreed on. Waiting didn't help with his anxiety, each seconds feels like year, he's not even sure why he's feeling like this. His mind went completely blank though when he saw (y/n), She just arrived and was running to him with that lovely smile and she looked so beautiful like always that made his heart beats so fast, he thought his heart was going to leap out of his chest.

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