Happy' 40K reads special

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Insert your name when you saw this -> (y/n)

Saeran is bored to death right now when his phone buzzed he sighs as he opened the app, wattpad and checked the notifications. His jaw drop in shocked "Whoaaa... 4-40k? reads..?"

Le Devilishgal entered the room eating honey butter chips then flopped down to the sofa.

"Devilishgal!!" saeran called out for me, I got startled that I drop my phone. "What the hell, saeran?"

"Have you checked the notifications yet?"  he smiled and he looked like his in tears of joy.

I raised my eyebrows. "Not yet.  Why?"

He showed me his phone .. I gasped. "OMG OMG!!! I can't believe this!!! We reached 40k reads?!.. Omg im so happy! I can't explain what im feeling right now!" 😭💕

Saeran shakes his head as he chuckled he then looked at (you, the reader) Thank you so much (y/n) thank you for reading and enjoying this story and I will always Lov---pmhmm. *boogsh*

Devilishgal had pushed saeran.  "What are you doing? im the one who is supposed to be thanking them since Im the one who wrote.. GAAAH" saeran tackled me.

"Whaaat? Nooo (😭 ) They came here for me, not for you author-chan! I should be the one thanking them!"

saeran had loosen his grip to my wrist when I started crying. "You mean..  They.. dont love me.. They're just here for you? what about me?"

Saeran quickly regretted it and hugged me. "Thats not what I meant! They all, love us" I wiped my tears and smiled a bit. "really?"
"yeah really but They sort of love me more because--" He was muttering it to himself but I heard it so I was giving him a death glare "hehehe... Like I said WE should be thanking them together for their love for us"

Saeran helped me to stand up and we both bowed to (y/n) 

"Devilishgal here!" :D

"and saeran here" :)

"To thank you all and we love you with all our heart. We're both overwhelmed right now. 💕 We can't believed this story will reached 40k reads. but it did.. We're very happy" Saeran and I said together.

"And we have read every comments, Each heartfelt comments Means a lot to us. we do try to reply to them but we sometimes missed some, so we do apologized." -Devilishgal

"I actually loved reading the comments, I liked it when I see that they're really getting into the story so thank you all for supporting 😍" -saeran

"Hey, Saeran I believe these ladies deserve some rewards 😉😉😉" -Devilishgal

"Of course they do!" Searan smirked and went forward and tried to squeeze himself out of your phone/laptop. (The ring style 😂✌)
Unfortunately his upper body are the only thing that got through the device while im trying to push his back.

"Ugh.. it wont work im stuck.." Saeran reached his hand out for you. "Would you please take my hand? Come on.. please?"

He smiled gently at you. "Oh (y/n) your hand is so cute, Oh don't be scared. Come closer.. yes thats it.. a little more.. ahhh" Saeran hugged you as he snuggled to your shoulder.

"Thank you (y/n) And I love you" He gave you a soft kiss on your lips." He started blushing as he looked at you.

"Ummm... saeran you better hurry up, trying to get hearts from our readers or you'll be half stucked in the real world" -Devilishgal

"Im sorry I can't stay longer with you .. for now. But I'll always think of you the way you think of me" He hugged you one last time then devilishgal tried to pull him back which we successfully did! :)

"Ok enough of that lover boy, we have to say goodbye for now.. you do have some hacking you need to do, you know and I need to get back on writing."

Saeran chuckled "yeah yeah..whatever."

We both bowed again at you. "Goodbye for now, I might pop in some other time along with an Extra chapter"


Mystic Messenger: Unexpected love| Saeran X reader. Where stories live. Discover now