Chapter 2

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A/N: when you see (y/n) <-- that means insert Your Name


"Awww! uncle do you really have to go? can't you stay for the whole week" "uncle please stay" the two kids won't let go of their uncle's legs. they're holding each leg like a koala.

Saeran shifted uncomfortable and looked at mc and saeyoung/707 asking for help.
"Just stay its already late and its raining too" mc chimed in.

Saeyoung/707 Chuckled. "and I don't think those kids will let you go" saeran sigh with a smile on his face, he's really close to his niece and nephew and of course he wants to stay but he can't, he had some unfinished work he had to do.

"Kids, lets make a deal although I can't stay here because I have some work I need to finish.. hmmm how about I put you two into bed ? and read you a bed time story until you fell asleep" the two was about to whined but saeran continued. "And then I'll come back friday night to spend the whole weekend here. how's that sounds?"

"the whole weekend? yay!!!" his nephew finally let go of him and hugged him. "promise it, please" his niece said, saeran reached down to carry her. "yes yes I promise. now its time for bed. its getting late"

He led the kids to their room, he helped them washed their face and brush their teeth. The two kids went straight to bed, he put some blanket over them and then he pulled the chair and placed it besides the bed. he grabbed one of the kids favorite bedtime story and he begun reading it for them while acting out some goofy part. Before he can finish it he glanced to the kids and saw that they are both into a deep sleep already. Saeran closed the book and put it back to the shelf, he went closer to the kids and kissed them to their foreheads and quietly left the room.

Saeran saw mc and saeyoung/707 on the couch, mc was feeding his brother with honey butter chips, they are both still sweet with each other like they just met yesterday. He cringed as he sat to the arm chair.

"You guys are married for 5 years by now but you two looked like you guys are still dating. Aren't a married life supposed to be having fights, shouting at each other and throwing stuff?" he said it as a joke, but he's quite really curious how they are still lovey dovey to each other.

"Oh we fight alright. like when I don't get enough sleep working all night or when we can't decide which channel we're going to watch.. who's turn to cook and.." saeran rolled his eyes he can't believe his brother called those 'fights'

"Saeyoung, I bet one of you will just sulk for a minute until the other one comforts the other and then you'll be sweet again. Don't you two get sick of each other for being sweet all the time" saeran pressed the topic more.

MC giggled "it's quite hard to explain but I guess when you're in love you'll do anything to avoid major fights because if the two of you really want to have a happy ending, its something two people should work hard for" saeran's face clearly shows that he didn't understand it. "Saeran, you'll understand it when you find the right girl for you"

"Right girl?..." Saeran laughs and slowly he got lost in his thoughts: 'But Aren't you that right girl for me?'
'Wait! mc the right girl for me? no that can't be right!... but will I ever find someone like you?'
'What am I thinking?! maybe..maybe.. I want someone as loving and caring like her'
'I guess I just want to be happy and contented like my brother?'
'Tch. who am I kidding? Me ? having a wife ? being happy? and loved?.. tch! who would want to love me anyways?'
'Im happy like this! with them... even if I usually feels like I don't belong here'

"Oi! Saeran! saeran to earth! saeran to earth!!!" Saeyoung/707 was waving his hands infront of saeran to get his attention. "oi! did you even heard what I said?"

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