Chapter 6

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <-- that means Insert Your Name.

Saeran started his day early, he didn't even had a time to have a proper meal, all he's been eating were those candies that he enjoys a lot. He wanted to finish all of his work as soon as possible since he did promise his niece and nephew that he'll spend the weekend with them.

He finished his work around afternoon, while packing some clothes and stuff he needs his phone ring, he answered it without looking at the screen because he's sure it will be (y/n) if not then his twin brother. "Hello?"

"Hey! so are you done with work?" -(y/n)

"Mhmm.. why?" -saeran, still busy with packing.

"Nothing, you really can't come over?" -(y/n)

"yeah, sorry. It's friday, the kids are already waiting for me. I promised them I'll stay with them" -Saeran

"Hahaha yeah I understand that. You're such a good uncle, keeping your promises like that." -(y/n)

"Well, I don't break my promises. Once I said it, I stick by it.. because I know how it hurts when someone promise you something and you trusted their words.. and in the end.. They--" saeran sighed as he got lost in his thoughts that he forgot he was talking with someone. "Im.. sorry, I spoke too much again."

"Hey its ok. You know, I don't want to force you to tell me what you've been through... but it seems like whatever it is, still effects you in some ways and if ever.. y-you want to talk about it. I just want you to know that im here for you" -(y/n)

"Thank you, (y/n)" -Saeran said with a little smile on his face. "Oh look at the time. I better hurry up. umm.. lets just text?"

"You're welcome. Sure, Take care! have fun with your niece and nephew. Bye." -(y/n)

Saeran hangs up the call and proceed to what he was doing when he was done. he locked the doors and went to saeyoung/707's house.

at saeyoung/707 door: Saeran had just finished singing "I am your leaf bread" in arabic. He's mood always get ruined by this door, he clenched on to the dictionary he's holding then shoved it back to his bag. As the door opened Saeyoung/707 came running towards him and gave him a hug.

He didn't hug back he still looked pissed off about the door. "Are you really annoying me? you know im coming and you know I hate that password! why is there a password that requires singing!"

Saeyoung/707 pouted as he plays with his thumb and talks like a baby. "Dow't chu say that! chu know it changes evewy midwight, ish not my fault"

From the irritated look on his face it changes like he wanted to throw up. "Please stop, I don't want to throw up" Saeyoung/707 laughs out loud and patted Saerans back. "Alright! at least you're not annoyed anymore"

"Whatever" they both entered then the door behind them closed. Saeyoung/707 hugged saeran's arm and rested his head at saeran's shoulder while they walk through the corridor. "You haven't been answering much of my texts, what got into you this whole week?"

"Eew. please let go of my arm." he tried to shake him off but he won't budge and the more he tried the more saeyoung/707 won't let go and got a silly grin on his face. He sighed and held back his urge to punch him, he can't help it. Saeyoung/707 is extra annoying today. "I told you im busy with work."

"Really? well I hacked into your laptop and cellphone and saw that---" saeran didn't let him finished and had raised his voice a bit. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

"Yeah and all you did was watch X-rated videos!" saeyoung/707 laughs again as he enjoyed the momentarily shocked saeran's face showed.

Saeran was clenching his fist and somehow had sigh in relief realizing that his idiot twin was just messing around with him and didn't really hacked into his laptop, especially his cellphone. "Why.. why did I have a stupid brother?!"

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