Extra chapter 1

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <-- it means Insert Your Name.

Saeran and (y/n) are finishing up the last touch up for their christmas decoration, it's dec 23 and they can't wait for Christmas, while they are hoping that they can spend this Christmas with their baby.

"(y/n) You should rest. I can take it from here. you don't want to exhaust yourself, it is the 9th month" saeran reminded her then took the ornaments from her hands then kissed her on her cheeks then on her big belly. "I know but don't worry I didn't get that tired."

Saeran gave her the look so (y/n) had to give up and let him finish it. she went upstairs and checked the baby's room, which they both helped each other on making like: painting the walls, putting up some furniture, the crib and a drawer where on top of it are displayed with stuff toys and baby toys.

She walked out of the room and closed the door, she stopped as she felt her water breaks, fluids running down her thighs. "S-Saeran!"

"Yes? My wifey?" Saeran shouted from downstairs. "S-Saaeran the.. the baby!" loud thuds can be heard as saeran was running in a hurry. "What happen?!" he asked as he approached her and saw that her water breaks. "Ar-- are you giving birth?!"

"Yes! help me!" Saeran nodded and helped her get down from the stairs. "Oh.. oh?! what to do??" he said as he walked around to help her seat down but he stopped and was about to get her a water. "Oh god. are you ok, (y/n)?" saeran was panicking so much as he saw (y/n) taking a sharp intake of air. "No.. its starting to hurt.. Just.. go get the baby bags and the other bag where my stuff is. Hurry!" she managed to walk slowly and went to the car by herself and waited for saeran.

Saeran barge into the baby room and opened the cabinet then took out the baby bag, where all they'll need is in there: like the bottles, towels, baby clothes, its tiny socks and tiny gloves and other stuff the baby might need. His hand was carrying that and the other bag, he runned as fast as he can and put those stuff inside the car and went quickly to the driver's seat.

"Gah where is the key?!" his hands are shaking as he looked for it, checking his pocket and the glove compartment of the car. She took a deep breath. "Saeran its inside the house, where all the keys are"

"Ah?! of course it is there! wait!" before (y/n) can talk he immediately got out of the car and went inside the house, after a few seconds he came out and then went inside the car and started it. "Saeran! wait" but he was already driving. "You left the door open!" he stepped on the breaks. "Gah! wait here" he went out again and closed then locked the door. He went back inside the car and started driving.

She can understand why he's panicking and she does feel the same way, probably much more since she's the one on labor right now. "Saeran.. please relax. we can't be both panicking at the same time. And I can't keep on reminding stuffs to you right now when im laboring. Please focus"

He looked at her and smiled sheepishly. "What are you talking about?! Im relaxed" she glared at him softly. "No, you aren't. that's why you missed the road where it'll take us to the hospital!" Saeran bit his lip as he stepped on the break again as he realized what she said. "Damn" he muttered under his breath as he makes a U-Turn.

Saeran was trying to relax but he can't, he's too nervous and worried for his wife and child. Somehow she looks like she's already in pain which added to his worries. As they reached the hospital. He carried her bridal style because he doesn't want her to walk anymore even if she still can.

The hospital nurse and doctors brought her to the Delivery room as they asked for him to wait outside, which made him more anxious. He kept walking back and forth to the corridors, he can't take it anymore and went back to the Delivery room's door and knocked on it for the 7th time.

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