Chapter 4

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <--- that means insert Your Name.


"I don't know saeran, I already stayed here last night. I probably should go home" The girl said. They have been arguing about this topic ever since they finished eating their dinner.

"(y/n) I told you, its already dark outside it won't be safe. Do you want something bad to happen to you again? because I don't.. s-so just stay for the night" Saeran shifted uncomfortable at the couch. "You can go home tomorrow"

She sighed in defeat. "Alright then, but is this really ok to you? am I not like invading your personal space?"

Saeran chuckled. "Of course not. its fine.. its actually.. sort of nice to have someone here." he then looked away. he never stare at her for a long time.

"Oh.. right. you said you live here all alone since your brother has a family of his own. You probably feel lonely here" she realized how sad and quiet this place can be. "Don't you just want to stay with them? you seem pretty close with your brother, niece and nephew after all"

"I do feel lonely at some point but they always call anyway and I visit almost like every week if im not busy. It's just.. not h-healthy for me to stay with them. This is the best for everyone" His voice was mixed with sadness and guilt as he suddenly became interested with the furnitures around, avoiding to gaze at her.

"Can I ask why it's not healthy for you? isn't being alone here is the one not healthy for you?" she didn't want to press more on to the topic but his sad voice and that guilt his eyes are reflecting got to her that she had to asked.

Saeran shakes his head as he look up to her. "Sorry (y/n), I don't think I can answer that one. Anyways you should go and sleep already"

"Umm.. ok. How about you? aren't you going to sleep yet?" she asked.

"I can't, i have to finish some of my work. I can work here at the living room. I'll just get my stuff from the bedroom--" the girl chimed in. "No! that'd be hassle for you. its really just fine with me... i-i mean you'll be at your laptop while I'll be at the bed. you don't need to move your stuff here."

"Hmn. Alright" saeran nodded and they both went to the bedroom. She turned off the lights and went straight to bed while saeran, pulled out the chair and sit on it then he turns on the laptop and the desk lamp, he then started reading the paperworks on his hands and some were layed neatly besides the laptop.

He managed to stayed focus on to what he's doing for 30mins. after that he can't help it but to keep on looking over his shoulder to check on her from time to time, while she sleeps so peacefully.
He won't deny it, she looks cute all snuggle up against the pillow like that.

He stopped typing and faced her, he sighs deeply as he touch his temple still gazing at her. "Why can't I focus? why do I want to stare at her?" he mumbles to himself. "Damn it. I need to pull myself together. Ever since yesterday I've been feeling... weird? is weird the right word? yeah.. its weird alright" However he smiled as he watched her sleep, because she moves a lot while sleeping. just now she was on the right side of the bed where he can see her face clearly but then since she moves a lot. she's already at the other side of the bed. "She sleeps like a child.."

He turn his back on her and started typing again and again, trying to focus harder but some part of him still wins and made him still look back to her for some seconds, then he will resume to his work.

After a couple of hours he already felt tired from typing a lot and his eyes stings from staring at the laptop screen for some time now. he yawned as he stretched a bit. "I'll have to finish this tomorrow.." he yawn again. "Im so sleepy" he said with his eyes closing already.

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