Chapter 10

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A/N: when you see (y/n) <-- that means Insert Your Name.

Saeran kept avoiding and ignoring (y/n) for two weeks now. The Excuse he told her was that there's a bunch of works he needed to do. He was hoping that by this (y/n) will give up already. He was glad that (y/n) said that she's willing to wait and that she understands him but he was scared, too traumatized by the past that he doesn't know how he'll move on and let it go.

And so he decided to keep on ignoring her again, but each day makes his heart melt for (y/n)'s efforts. She would call and text everytime, asking how he is or share silly stuff to him. She would always leave a food she made or pastry she baked for him at his door. since he doesn't open it or let her in.

There was a day when she would stay outside waiting patiently, hoping that saeran would talk to her but it didn't happen. Saeran was just leaning against the door from the other side, hating himself for being a coward, While she is leaning on the door from the outside.

As his heart melts and his affection keeps growing due to all of her efforts to get to him, He hates the fact that he's giving her a hard. Right now, he's not even sure why he's doing this anymore. He missed her so badly and he won't deny that.

His phone has been ringing nonstop since the day before yesterday uptil now. it's odd that she won't text and just keeps on calling but since he's still on his drama, he's not answering it.

He stopped working, thinking if he should call her already. Instead he thought of continuing hacking on her, after an hour.. the results pops out to his laptops screen and he started scanning through them: personal information, her family background and other stuff, when he read about her recent Work information.

He started hyperventilating now, reading that today was the day (y/n)'s flight to another country, to stay there for 3 years for her Work.

He looked at the time and he got 1 hour left before (y/n) left the country.. before she left him. "She's leaving.. is that why she's been calling nonstop?" he touched his temple.
"ARRRRRGG!! Stupid, stupid me!" he throw his laptop on the wall while he reached for his phone and immediately contact her number but she's out of reach.

"Wait.. she's leaving. This is perfect. I don't have to hurt her anymore by pushing her away.."
"Why am I sad? I should be happy that she's leaving me.."

Even he knew he's fooling himself but to all of the things he did, isn't this what he wanted? for her to leave him? because he's scared of trusting.. then why is he crying right now, as if somebody had died. why does it feel so painful? when he thought he was ready for the thought of her leaving him?

He's crying and laughing now, thinking he might gone crazy. "I was so scared on trusting her.. but now.. Right now, am I really more afraid of her leaving me??" His phone rings and he immediately answered it as he sobs.

"(y/n)?!" -Saeran

"Ugh.. No, saeran. This is The defender of justice-- wait.. are you crying?" -Saeyoung/707

"(y/n) is leaving the country today..." -Saeran

"What?! then what the hell are you doing? Go after her! stop her!" -Saeyoung/707

"Sh-should I?!" -Saeran

"Of course! why? can you live without her? I thought you said you love her, I thought you said she's the only girl who made you feel what you're feeling now." -Saeyoung/707

"I.. I can't live without her. Im stupid for pushing her away, I just realized that even tho im scared to trust anyone.. it's much more scary to go by each day without her!" -Saeran

"That settles it then, Don't let the person you love get away!" -Saeyoung/707

"I know! but am I not being selfish? It's a big opportunity for her and im going to stop her??" -Saeran sighs.

"Um.. well not really. there's also a lot of opportunities here and that will depends on what you two will talk about. What matter is you go after her now! Just go!" -Saeyoung/707

Saeran immediately runned out of his house with only his phone and wallet with him, on his way to the bus stop zen was there waving at him. Zen throw an extra helmet to him. "Come on, saeran! let's stop your Gf! Good thing I was just at the nearby coffee shop meeting with my manager."

Saeran wears the helmet and ride on zen's motor as zen starts the motorbike. "How did you know?!" saeran asked in confusion. Zen started driving in high speed. "God Saeyoung chatted on the good ol' messenger and asked for everyone's help, while you two were talking." zen smirked.

"He did?" he felt so thankful for his brother and their friends. He was always distant from the ~R.F.A~ members since he still feels guilty for all the wrong stuff he did to them, But they were such a good friends, all different from each other but all with a big heart. "Yep and Jumin asked jaehee to contact everyone they know who can clear the roads since it's really traffic! and if that won't work, saeyoung is hacking the airport system to delay the flight"

"Yoosung volunteered to go there now to look for her and try to stop her in case we don't arrived in time, since his Clinic for animal's is much more nearer to the airport that to where we are now" Zen explained. Saeran felt so grateful for everyone, after hearing all of their efforts on trying to help him. "Thank you zen, thank you all." Zen chuckled, as he keeps on driving. "Hey it's nothing, we help each other becaus we are a one family afterall"

Unfortunately even if the traffic was lessen, they still arrived at the airport 20mins late, but according to Saeyoung he had successfully hacked into the systems. Saeran shouted his thanks to zen as he quickly jump out of the motorbike even if zen hadn't parked it yet, he quickly went inside. Yoosung runned besides him when he saw him. "Saeran, she's at Gate C12! GO!"

"Thanks yoosung!" Saeran shouted and speed up, he runned to the escalator while pushing other people out of his way as he mumble an apology. "Excuse me" "Hey! watch it!" an old man shouted at him. "ah sorry!" "Excuse..  out of my way!"

He arrived at the Gate panting, he pushed passed the security guards. even if they had shouted at him to stop. the guards chased him inside but he didn't cared and entered the airplane that was on standby.

He started checking every rows and seat. "(y/n)!!!" Looking for her frantically. "(y/n)??!" the other passengers were getting mad but he didn't cared. The guards then grabbed him by his shoulders and tried to pull him out, so he punched the guards on their face so he can move freely. "(y/n) where are yo--Oof-" the other guard punched him back as well.

The passengers were all one by one standing up and shocked due to the ruckus going on. A girl from the back came running to them. "Please stop!" she pushed the guard off of saeran. "Saeran? what are you doing here?"

Saeran hugged her tight. "(y/n)?! oh.. (y/n), Please please don't leave me.." everyone went silent even the guards just watched them. "Im so sorry for pushing you away. I was scared.. but nothing can beat on how scared I am right now. Im begging you please don't leave me."

Saeran looked at (y/n)'s eyes. "I love you so much! I love you.. Please dont leave me." the girl shed a tear. "I love you too, saeran and I won't leave you. I promised" Saeran caressed her cheeks and slowly leaned forward to kiss her on her soft full lips. she wrapped her arms around his neck as she deepens the kiss. The passengers cheered for them, while the others shed a tears of joy for them.

They both left the airplane and let the flight continue since they already delay it so much, thanks to jumin's powerful connection the guards didn't file a report for what he did.

They both went into a park, sitting underneath the tree, they were both cuddling there, cherishing this moment. "(y/n), would you like to be my Gf?" saeran whispered to her, she looked at him with that lovely smile on her face. "yes! I would love to be yours.. and you to be mine" She gave him a quick kiss on his lips. "And I promised you, that I'll be here for you always. you don't have to be scared.. I'll prove it to you" she kissed his nose, cheeks and forehead then snuggled to his chest.

They spent their afternoon there, relaxing enjoying each other's presence, excited for what the future holds for them.

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