Chapter 5

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <--- that means Insert Your Name.

He toss and turn before finally waking up, he immediately checked his phone even if his left eye is still closed. "ugh.. its 10am" He was eager to see if (y/n) had replied, they have been texting each other since last night about random questions/stuffs. while he was doing his work, he actually finished so late because he kept on stopping to reply and even totally ignored his brother's texts.

A smiled appeared on his face as he blinked a couple of times when he received a new text message from her. ~(y/n): Good morning sleepy head! Don't skip your breakfast and have a nice day ahead~

~He replied: Good morning, (y/n). Thank you. I hope you have a nice day as well~

He got up and took a shower real quick then dressed up. he went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "hmm.. water.. water.. milk.. 4 pieces of eggs.. and nothing else. i'll have to go to the grocery store" He opened the cupboard and saw that there was some cereals left. He took it and poured it into a bowl then added some milk into it. He went to the living room and ate his breakfast there as he watched t.v. for awhile.

When he was done he got ready to leave. he then locked the door and made his way to the grocery store. The place wasn't big, so looking for the stuff he needs wasn't hard. He put some chicken, bacon, noodles and some vegetables in the cart. He pushed the cart and ignored the chips aisle since he still have a box of honey butter chips at home given by his idiot brother. He stopped at the candies/chocolate aisle and took a handful of candies and chocolates with a huge smile on his face and placed it in the cart.

Someone giggled that caught his attention he looked back and saw (y/n). "(y/n)?! what are you doing here?" the girl was trying to not giggle anymore or smile so much but she can't. "I was just buying some food."

Saeran nodded reluctantly. "Ok. Why are you giggling?"

The girl grabbed some sweets and put it in her cart. "Nothing..." she then wink at him. "Oi! tell me!" saeran pressed the topic more as they walked side by side. "i'll tell you later, ok?" saeran sighed. "whatever." They both went to the counter and payed for the food they bought. They are now both carrying a paper bag filled with what they bought as they exit the store.

"Have you eaten lunch yet?" Saeran asked then she shakes her head. "Come on. Let's grab lunch together" he offered as he looked away. "That's a good idea. where are we going to eat then?" the girl asked as they start walking on the side walk.

"I don't know. you choose. anywhere is fine with me" saeran said. the girl nodded as she heard that. "ah! ok.. well I know a really good restaurant nearby" They both went to the restaurant.

They were facing each other, while reading the menu, the waiter approached them. "Are you ready to order, mam and sir?"

Saeran looked at her. "So what are you having? I can't actually decide" she smiled at him and said. "The basil pesto pasta is really good, would you like to try it?" saeran just nodded as he flipped the menu. She looked at the waiter then said. "Two basil pesto pasta and two four season drink...." she glanced at saeran. "Do you want to add something else?"

The look on Saeran's face turned into an excited expression but he manage to regain his composure before (y/n) could notice or so he thought. he cleared his throat. "Ya. um just served the Banana split for the dessert" the waiter repeated their orders then took the menu.

"So.. what time were you able to finish work? you woke up really late" she asked. "Around 4am? yeah. something like that" he smiled sheepishly when she shakes her head. "Seriously. are you trying to get sick again? you should be having enough sleep"

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