Extra chapter 2

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When you see (y/n) it means insert your name.

"Oh, I got it! we'll Kidnap her and when her blindfolds been taken off, she'll see you kneeling down while holding the ring! it'll be an action and romance!" Zen exclaimed as he proudly shared his idea with everyone.

Saeran, Saeyoung/707, Jumin and Yoosung, they all had the bewilderment and mostly likely 'WTF?' expression plastered on their face.

"No!" saeran said coldly.

"Why not? it got some action and romance to it!" zen argued as he put his beer down.

"yeah! and you'll scare her to death? Not gonna happen" Saeran gulped down his beer. He's really frustrated by now, he still doesn't know yet how he will proposed to (y/n) and none of the ideas his friends are suggesting seems right.

"Well, I think we should go for the idea that I said, Borrow my private jet and take her to one of my Isle and proposed to her." jumin said boredly as he sips on his red wine. jumin can't understand why saeran dislikes the idea, it'll be the Most JAWDROPPING-ROMANTIC-PROPOSAL-EVER in his opinion. "I won't charge you for borrowing my jet and the isle, just so you know" he added.

Saeran sighed. "I know, and im really thankful for the offer but its just too extravagant and its just not me.. and definitely not (y/n)'s style.."

"Come on guys! cheer up! we'll think of something else" Yoosung said trying to cheer everyone up who seems hopeless right now.

Saeyoung/707 was quietly thinking on the side and when he finally spoke, He started kicking/punching the air like he's having seizures. "GAAAAH! I give up! I just can't think of a Sweet-plain-proposal-idea."

"And having tantrums is not gonna help" yoosung told him, saeyoung/707 puffed his cheeks as he sits down properly and then glanced at saeran. "Why, didn't you like the idea Of taking her to A restaurant and proposed to her there? its the most simple, sweet thing ever"

"Because there'll be a lot of people there and I don't want her to feel pressured and say YES just because there's a lot of people watching" Saeran touched his temple.

"Don't worry, you'll come up with something and if not you can choose from one of our ideas!" zen said as he patted saerans shoulder.

"ah! ah! before we all forget, you bought the ring yesterday right? Come on, we want to see!!" Saeyoung/707 excitedly said as he scoots closer to his brother.

Saeran finally smiled, he reached for his pocket and took the ring out and showed it to them: A 0.80ct brilliant cut centre diamond in a six claw setting, featuring twelve 1/2pt pink diamonds bead set into leaf detailing on the shoulder of an 18ct white gold band. [Look at the coverphoto to see the ring]

Everyone was in awe as they looked at the ring. "wow!! its pretty!" Yoosung gasped. "Awww Im getting excited!!" Saeyoung/707 shouted. "She'll definitely love it" Jumin said. "Yes, I agree" zen said while nodding. "We'll thats a first, you two agreed on something!" saeran chuckled lightly then everyone started laughing.

Everyone continued drinking while having small talks, after some time, Jaehee already called her zenny to go home coz she missed him, and it's getting late so zen said his Good bye's and went home. Since zen isn't there anymore everyone decided to call it a night and jumin and yoosung went home as well.

Saeran and saeyoung/707 had just finished cleaning the mess. "Done! well i should go now" saeran said, his brother hugged him. "Be careful ok? and Call me when you thought of something" saeyoung/707 winked at him.

Days had passed by and he's now ready to proposed to (y/n). He had decided to do it in his house, All of her favourite food are all cooked by saeran, who had practiced many times of course.

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