Chapter 3

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <-- that means insert Your Name.

Even in saeran's condition right now, that he feels so hot and shivering at the same time, while his joints are aching and him coughing badly. He is fully aware that the girl has been taking care of him. She would re-soaked the clothed on his forehead, check his temperature from time to time. He would like to tell her to stop and leave him alone but he was too sick to even to talk. "38.3°C oh dear, your fever hasn't gone down yet. well you should already eat so you can drink a medicine. wait here, I'll get the food I cooked for you" she put the thermometer back to its place then went to the kitchen.

She came back from the kitchen holding a tray that has a bowl of porridge, sliced apples and orange, a glass of water and the medicine. she placed it on to the coffee table.

She then helped him to sit and even gave his back a light pat when he had cough. the girl took the bowl, filled the spoon with porridge. "its stil hot" then she blew on it gently until it was safe to be eaten.

Saeran was just observing her and from her position he knew she was planning to feed him, which made him feel shy if he can admit it. No one has ever feed him before well.. aside from his brother when they were kids, and her taking care of him was too much and now feeding him? He forced himself to talk.

"(y/n) you don't have to feed me, I can do it by myself. im just sick not paralyzed."  the girl bit her lip and smiled a little, which he is starting to find cute that he had to looked away. "I know but I want to feed you, and take care of you. so please let me?"

Saeran's face is already flushed for having a high fever but maybe this time it was for another reason why it's much more redder, her words kept on replaying in his mind his thoughts are going crazy by now.. 'What the hell is wrong with this girl? did she really said that or having a high fever made me deaf?' he thought.

He has always been curious what its like or feels like when someone is feeding you or taking care of you, he always sees Mc do that to his brother and he does get jealous. but now that he was being taken care off and about to be feeded by someone. He won't deny that it felt good.. not just good.. it really felt great. that someone else beside his brother is very concern about him and it feels weird yet great for him. he nodded instead.

The girl held the spoon right at his mouth. saeran opened his mouth and ate the porridge on the spoon. "how's the taste, saeran?" she looked nervous, since she cooked this for him so he said. "Its really good. you cook well" even if he really can't taste it, because he also have a cold thats why his tastebuds aren't working well he couldn't bring himself to tell the truth and see the disappointed look on her face and he definitely didn't regret it.. the smile on her face grew wider as her eyes sparkles in happiness after hearing that he liked it.

He can't help it but a smile also formed on his lips. the girl kept on feeding him until he finished the porridge, apples and orange. She gave him the water and his medicine. "Thank you, (y/n)" he took it and gulped it down.

"you're Welcome" she helped him to lay down again. "get some rest, I'll just wash the dishes" she was about to walk away when saeran grabbed her by her wrist. "Stay.."

"huh? what?" the girl glanced at him. "Just leave the dishes there, just... stay here and.. talk to me" the girl sat at the edge and slowly touched his hair to fix it. "But you need to rest if you want to get better soon."

"I'll try to sleep while you just talk about anything, yourself, your hobby or favorite stuff, it doesn't matter what its about as long... as I can hear your voice" he said with his eyes closed. The girl smiled while a blush is forming on her cheeks. "Alright.. well umm... I am a... " she told him where she works/study. she told her favorite food, color and what sports/instrument she plays and her other hobbies.

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