Chapter 11

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A/N: When you see (y/n) <-- that means Insert Your Name.

Saeran was tracing his fingers to the first frame infront of him, it was their first picture together inside the ferris wheel. And then there were some frames which holds as a family picture with the whole R.F.A when they all had a vacation outside the country.

The smiled was still plastered on his face as he can't believe all the happy memories they are building together. He moved on to the next frame which is much bigger than to the rest, A picture of (y/n) in a beautiful white wedding dress, with saeran besides her in a black elegant suit. The frame next to it is still part of the wedding, where they are with Zen, Jumin, Jaehee, Yoosung, Saeyoung and Mc along with his 1 niece and 3 nephews.

He picked up the last frame, it was a picture of them when they were in paris, france for their honeymoon.

(y/n) hugged him from the back. "What are you doing?" saeran put the frame back and then faced her, he wrapped his arms around her then kiss the top of her head. "Nothing. Im just looking at the pictures. it always make me smile"

She giggled and pinch his nose playfully. "I know! I feel the same way" Saeran leans forward and  kissed her deeply, she was giggling as she tries to stop him because he was pulling her closer "Easy tiger! We have to go to your brother's house and have you forgotten about my tummy." She said as she placed her hand on her big tummy, saeran kneel down and kissed it. "Of course not. Im sorry, baby!"

Searan placed his head gently on to it, trying to listen to it  "Ah?! the.. baby just kicked! it kicked for the first time!!!" he beamed at her and she ruffles his hair. "Yes. I felt it too!" she said excitedly.

Saeran did it again hoping for another kick or something, he's not really sure what to expect but he's very happy. "I love you baby, Me and mommy are so excited to be with you already."

He stand up. "I love you (y/n), I'll love you til the end." he caressed her cheeks. "I'll love you til the end as well, saeran" Saeran hugged his wife again and then grabbed the bag and gifts and carried it for her, as he gently help his wife walk and get into the car.

They both arrived at Saeyoung/707 house, Mc was there waiting for them to greet them. Mc and (y/n) hugged each other, they've been really close with each other. "Im glad you two can make it!" Mc happily said.

"Where are the birthday twins?" saeran asked as they all entered the house. "Zen is carrying Saeyoung jr. while jumin is carrying searan jr. The other's are still fixing the last touch up for the twins 3rd birthday party!"

Saeran laughs "Are you regretting now that you wished for a twins of boys?" Mc rolled her eyes. "The twins are great but they inherited the hyperness of the two of you, thats why saeyoung is the one always dealing with them, I just help."

"(y/n)!!! my beautiful sister-in-law!!! Oh my brother dear!!" Saeyoung/707 hugged them. He lowered his self to the level of (y/n)'s tummy. "How are you beautiful baby!" everyone laughed.  "She kicked for the first time before we left our house!" (y/n) told everyone proudly.

"Really?! Congrats!" Mc said then saeyoung/707 stands straight and put his arms around her. "Ah! I remember when Ji su and Sung min and the twins also had their first kicked, it was truly magical!" He looked at Mc and wiggled his eyebrows. "Honey, I want to experience that again"

Mc's face blushed and playfully punch saeyoung's shoulder. "Are you kidding me?!" she glared at him softly. "No? ah I mean yes! i was just joking!" saeyoung/707 sweat dropped as he raised both of his hands.

Saeran handed the gifts to saeyoung/707 "For the twins!" He put the gifts on the table where all the gifts are placed. "Thank you!" he said with a wink and then ji su and Sung min went to them. "Uncle and Auntie!!" They both said hi to the kids while saeran also give them some gift, just so the kids won't be jealous.

Ji su and sung min were running around playing with Zen's and jaehee's child, yes, Jaehee and Zen got married first before saeran and (y/n). while jumin's wife and child had just arrived as well, and yoosung still hasn't proposed to his Gf. who is currently on abroad that's why she can't make it to the birthday party.

  Saeyoung/707 is teasing jaehee. while jumin and his wife and zen are watching over the baby twins and the other kids. while (y/n) and yoosung are helping Mc preparing the food.

Saeran smiled to the Second most beautiful scene he ever saw, Since the first one is when he saw (y/n) walking down the aisle.
His family keeps on growing and it was the best family he could ever asked for.

He was really happy that he found the R.F.A and his brother and made peace with them. He was glad that he found (y/n) and had learned to trust and love her. He was so glad he didn't let his depression get to him, because now he's here and he would of regret it if he had missed this.

He snapped out of his thoughts when jumin called him "Saeran, come. the twins wants you" He smiled and went closer to them, and played with the twins as well.

Jaehee then sets up the camera and took pictures while the twins are blowing their candles to the two birthday cakes. They had a group photo as well and then after that they all enjoyed eating while having a fun conversation, while the kids are having fun with their own conversation as well.

After that they all played a game and give some prize to those who won. they had to hold back Saeyoung and yoosung a couple of times to stop them from joining in the game, since it was the kids who should be playing and not them. Soon enough The day ended and the other's have to go home, while saeran and (y/n) decided to stay there for the night to bond with Saeyoung's family.

~The End~

A/N: I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for reading, enjoying and supporting this book <3 It means a lot to me!! you all make me so happy!!

This is the ending but.. im thinking maybe some other time, I can surprise you guys with some "Extra chapter" if ever im not busy xD hihihi. that's all. Thank you again! <3

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