It's Getting Vicious

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Goldenfeather: Hey everycat! Welcome back to Ask or Dare the WarriorCats!

Berrynose: Don't touch my nose ever again!

Goldenfeather: Well, today's dare is from CloverpawWarriorCats, who said I dare Tigerheart to tell Dovewing he never loved her then slap her with a fly swatter and then stick her into a fox trap with melting hot metal! So off we go to ShadowClan to destroy this happy relationship!

*cackles evilly, then gags and coughs up a hairball*

Goldenfeather: Just ignore that. Wait a minute, Dovewing can hear everything, we'll need to do something to stop that so she doesn't find out. *whispers to Firestar*

Firestar: Clan meeting! The Tribe of Rushing Water is being whiny again, we need to traumatize more young cats now. Dovewing, why don't you go...

Dovewing: Last time it overwhelmed my senses so much I lost them for awhile and almost went crazy and got traumatized for life and...

Firestar: ....or get banished for being unloyal.

Dovewing: Fine.

*a week later*

Dovewing: I'm back and I can't hear ANYTHING! I can't even check up on my boyfriend ...

Bumblestripe: I'm right here

Dovewing: I'm not talking about you

Goldenfeather: Now that that's taken care of, off to ShadowClan! Hey Blackstar!

Blackstar: Go away

Goldenfeather: Awww nice to see you too! I need Tigerstar 2.0 please

Tigerheart: wut 

Goldenfeather: There you are! Now let me introduce you to something twolegs call BLACKMAIL

Tigerheart: uh-oh

Goldenfeather: *tells him dare* or she will hear it from me... In front of the whole of both clans! *hands fox trap, metal, and flyswatter*

Tigerheart: whyyyyy 

*they both magically teleport to ThunderClan*

Tigerheart: Dovewing, come with me a second.

Dovewing: Why are you carrying all that stuff?

Tigerheart: Uh... It's magical StarClan stuff to restore hearing

Dovewing: What did you say? *cups hand to ear*

Tigerheart: Oh great she really needs it *grabs her and pulls her in woods*

Dovewing: It's rather big for an earring. Oh, did you say HEARING? I'm in.

Tigerheart: *takes a deep breath* Dovewing I-

*sees Goldenfeather eating popcorn*

Goldenfeather: *crunch CRUUUNCH* Wait why are you looking at me? Continue.

Tigerheart: Dovewing, I've never loved you. I've hated you the moment we've met. I've only hung out with you for the rares.

*slaps in face with flyswatter*

Dovewing: I don't see how that's a herring, isn't that a type of fish?

Tigerheart: *snaps fox trap around paw*

Dovewing: Ow. Um Tigerheart? That's not my ear. Oh, and can you repeat what you said before? I couldn't hear.

Tigerheart: *pours hot metal while crying* ive never loved you

Dovewing: what was that?

Tigerheart: I've. Never. Loved. You!

Dovewing: Eh?


*looks up to see the whole of ThunderClan and ShadowClan surrounding them*

Dovewing: Hey it worked! I can hear! Just not see very well. It's all silvery.

Blackstar: Tigerheart, do you care to explain yourself?

Squirrelflight: This will be fun

Tigerheart: *points at Goldenfeather*

Goldenfeather: *rather nervously* Well guys, best end it here, see you next time on Ask or Dare the WarriorCats! If I don't get destroyed by these guys that is *runs*

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