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Your POV

You manage to finish the herbs while c.c was still asleep. She has been mumbling something so you being you decide to not hear. You didn't want to eavesdrop on her while she was sleeping. So you began to write her medical record just in case someone comes and ask her situation.

"Hey (F/n) I brought some food since you been busy," Yuki said as he stood behind the door.

"You can come in Yuki the door is open." He open it and went towards your desk and place it there.

"How is she doing."

"A few mumbles here and there probably memories of her past I didn't bother hearing. Probably personal stuff." You said as he seems to stand still.

"Hey (F/n) what is that made you want to be a doctor." He asked.

"Well, I couldn't save my best friend. She died of blood loss and no matter what I did the bleeding didn't stop. She remembered everything that happen about her and the love she had for my brother."

"You had a brother."

"Yeah but we weren't related by blood we grew up together along with his little sister who is now someone very important. He died five years ago as well with my boyfriend."

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring bad memories."

"It's alright I just refuse to talk about it. Anyway, I've noticed that you are good with bombs from the medical reports. I'm impressed that you haven't blown yourself up yet."

"Well, it's pretty easy after doing it for so long. Anyway, I better go so you can eat." He said as he got up.

"Hey, Yukiko thanks for listening, you're not as bad as many say you are." You smiled at him as he nodded and left.

Yuki POV

She smiled at me and thank me. Man, she's cute and nice. My heartbeat is going so fast it might jump out.

I walked back to my bunk as I thought back to our conversation. She had such a sad look it made me want to hug her. Once I reach the bunk room that I share with Ayano and Ryo I see everyone is still not here.

"She's so cute I wonder if she'll go out with me. Now that I know she's single." I said out loud as looked at the ceiling.

Time skip morning


I woke up and saw I was in an infirmary. I notice someone was asleep on the desk with her head down. I got up and walked up and shook her.

Her (h/c) hair does remind me of (F/n).  I shook her a bit hoping it would wake her up. She open her (e/c) eyes they were the same.

'It's her! It is (F/n)'

Your POV

You woke up after someone try to wake you. All you could remember was you were reading a book about herbs and fell asleep. You turn and see C.C awake and well.

"C.C your awake I'm glad." She smiled as she hugged you as well

"I'm glad you're fine as well. I heard from Lelouch you went to study to be a doctor. What are the chances that I got you to treat me." She said with a smile.

"You should rest I know your immortal but still. Just to be safe get some rest it's nearly seven in the morning." You said as you helped her to a more comfortable bed.

"Alright, I get it. I think you've gotten more strict since last time." She said as she sat on the bed.

"Hey C.C I was wondering on the day Lelouch died did he plan all that. So people can hate him and only his death can release the hate we had."

"You don't know do you?" You were confused about what she said and pulled you to sit down next to her.

"(F/n) Lelouch plan that because he knew he would live. Right now as we speak Lelouch is alive and just like me he's immortal." She said with a serious face.

"There's more Suzaku he's still alive."

"WHAT!" You screamed but then covered your mouth. You lowered your voice before speaking again.

"So all this time they were alive and never bother to tell me about this. Why?"

"I don't know why? But if we can get Lelouch back from the people who captured him you can ask him. What do you say want to fight like old times." She said as she extended her hand.

"Fine, I'm in so I can get those two back for this." You grab her hand agreeing to help her.

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