Girls Day

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Your POV

You asked Nunnally if Suzaku could stay until he finish school. Which she agreed as well for Lelouch who try to avoid his work like always.

"Hey, Lelouch get back to your seat and finish that work your not failing class because you hate it." You said as C.C ate some pizza she found in the kitchen.

"Looks like you'll be busy for a while with work and supervising two dropouts," Kallen said as she brought some tea and treat from the cook's request.

"You have no idea I need a day to unwinded a bit. Plus I haven't had a day off since I got sick a few days ago." You said as you looked at the supplies that were being reorganized again.

"How about a girl's day out we can hit the spa and relax for the day. What do you think about that (F/n)?" Kallen asked as you thought about it.

"Sounds great but I have to supervise these two at all times. Knowing Lelouch he'll leave the minute I'm gone from the base. And Suzaku will be distracted too." You said.

"Well, I'll watch them for you." You turn towards the door and see Akito and Leila standing there.

"Leila Akito how can I help you guys." You asked as they came in.

"Just like you heard Akito can keep an eye on them. I have been wanting to talk with you about something." Leila said as she grab your hand.

"Are you sure you can keep two idiots from not finishing their work?" You ask Akito.

"It just like watch over those three again. Only this time it just does two grown men. This shouldn't be a problem for me after all what kind of lieutenant would I be." He said as he smiled.

"Alright then just make sure to keep them in line."

"Will do now go and enjoy yourselves." He said as he pushed all the girls out.

"Hey don't worry so much let's just go and have some fun," Kallen said as she drag you away from work.

'Maybe some time off is good after all that could happen.'

Leila POV

After arriving at a well-known spa. We manage to get a massage that releases all the tension on our shoulders. Well, I knew I had some but not as much as I thought I had.

"Leila you sure it's fine for Akito to watch those two?" (F/n) asked as si saw her relax from the massage she received.

"I wouldn't worry so much of the boys  I'm sure those guys are getting along well."

"Yeah, your right Akito can handle anything that is being thrown at him."

Suzaku POV

It's the third time Lelouch has tried to leave but Akito stops him every time. Honestly, I'm getting bored as well and without (F/n) around it's even more boring.

"Come on you two if you finish this work then probably (F/n) won't worry about it." He said as he stood near the door.

"So what's the deal with you and Leila Akito. You seem very close to be comrades or something?" Lelouch asked as half an hour went by.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Just focus on your work." Akito said as he did seem to fall for Lelouch's tricks.

"This is so boring this is why I hated school," Lelouch said as he hit his head. He finally thought of something that would distract him.

"So Suzaku how's your relationship with (F/n)?" He asked as he smiled.

"Good I guess."

"Lelouch just do your work so you can be done," Akito said as stared at him.

"Fine, I guess trying to see if Suzaku and (F/n) made any progress when we weren't looking won't work. You guys are so boring." Lelouch said as he went back to work.

'I wonder now that he mentions it. We barely get some time alone when we're here. Plus she looks like she never gets a break from work. Where do we stand?'

Your POV

After getting a message to death you finally relax in in the hot springs.

"Oh yeah, this is what I call heaven." You said as you let the warm water relax all the muscles that were messaged.

"So you and Suzaku? Have you've done that yet?" Kallen asked as you blush bright red.

"What?! No, don't think like that Kallen we barely go on dates! Plus I don't think he'll ever do that with me." You said as you looked away.

"Why you're pretty and smart. Plus your like the coolest person to be with." Ayano said as she sat near the edge.

"I don't know I guess I doubt he'll keep the promise to marry me when we were in school. Plus he's supposed to be dead how will people react to me being with Zero? They'll think I'm just in it for power and I'm not." You said as you sink more into the water.

"Well, I think you should just follow that heart of yours. If you love Suzaku more than anything in this world. Then you shouldn't worry about what others say about it." Leila said with a smile.

"Right thank you," You said as you smiled.

"So when did he propose to you?" Kallen asked as everyone wanted to listen how.

"Well, when it was the day before I came to the EE.UU to go to school. Everyone in the student council threw a party to congratulate me and wish me luck. When everyone gave me their gifts he gave me a promise ring. He promise to make me his wife one day. I want to be his wife still but the way I see it I don't see that coming any closer." You said.

"Don't give up hope (F/n) I know he has it ruff but everything will go as planned for you. It always does." Kallen said.

"Right," You said as they seem happy that you're opening up to them now.

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