Trouble Before Dinner

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Your POV

You got to your office and started to organize and clean up the place. You wanted to make sure everything was clean and organize. Looking through the file cabinet to see the herbs you found until someone came in.

"Hey what's wrong." You saw Leila panicking a bit.

"It's the cook he fainted." She said. You got your emergency medical bag and ran with her to the kitchen.

Once you got there Akito got him away from the cooking area to where the tables are at. You looked at him and check his heart plus. There was one at a normal rate. Then his temperature and saw it was warmer than it should be.

"He's going to be fine he has a high fever. Probably overworking too much he should rest right now before it gets worse. At least until his fever is gone. For now, I'll take some medicine from the herbs I have to help him rest. Akito I need you and someone else to take him to his room. Get him out of those clothes and wash him off with rage then put him in fresh clean clothes. I'll be there once I get the medicine done. Leila, I need you to find a temporary cook for now." You said as they nodded and did what they had to do.

'What else can go wrong.' You grab your stuff and head to your office and start mixing herbs for the cook. Grabbing some Boneset and Feverfew (it's real) you add a bit of peppermint.

"I have to mix them right or I'll start over again." You said to yourself and heat some water and prepare to at the ingredients in it.

"We finally find you?" You turn and saw Ayano and Yuki there.

"Hey, guys sorry I'm kinda busy the cook got sick. So I have to take the medicine for him to get better. Hey, Ayano can you get me a cup from the cabinet." You asked as you let the water mix with the herbs.

"Wow, it smells like peppermint," Yuki said as he sniff.

"Yeah. I have to go and make sure he drinks this. I'll see you guys later." You said as you grab a tray and put a towel for the pot to sit and the cup as well.

Suzaku POV

I walk out of my room and saw Akito keep a man up barely.

"Need help." He nodded and I grab the other side. He was burning up and sweating. Once we got to the room where he sleeps he grabbed some clothes, and I grab a bowl of water with a dry rag.

Akito started to clean him and then put the clean clothes on. There was a knock on the door and he went to open it and I saw a girl - no a woman coming in with a pot and cup on a tray.

"Thanks, Akito for doing this while I made this."

"No problem anything else you need (F/n)?"

'Wait her name is (F/n). It can't be my (F/n) the love of my life?' I look closely. Same (h/c) hair and the same (e/c) that could make anyone fall to her command.

"Nope, all I need is to give him the medicine I made and let him rest for the night." She said with a smile.

"Alright." He said as Leila came in.

"Bad news (F/n) it seems that I can't get a temporary cook." She said nervously.

"Hey calm down I'll cook until he gets better I'm pretty good at it. It's shouldn't be too much of a problem." She said as Leila smiled and thanked her for her kindness.

"Alright, Richard I need you to drink this every single drop. Hey, Akito can you find another blanket would you." He nodded and left. As she help the cook drink every drop of the drink she made. Akito came back with another blanket and put it on him.

"Thank you mademoiselle for everything you've done." The guy said as she put the tray near a nightstand.

"Okay, this button is a direct line to my phone if you feel any worse push it. I'll be here as fast as I can." She said as she put it back on the tray.

"Thank you again for everything mademoiselle." He said as he fell asleep.

"Alright let's get out of here and I'll start making the food." She said as we walked out.

"Oh yeah (F/n) this is Zero he's-"

"I know I've seen the news he serves the empress lady Nunnally. I better go if I want to cook the food on time." She said as she walked away from us.

"So sorry Lord Zero she's a busy person right now. But I'm sure you'll both see each other around." Leila said as she walked away.

"Word of advice don't get on her bad side. Ryo did once and he knows not to mess with her." Akito said.

"What did he do to get on her bad side?" I asked curiously.

"He made fun of her about something and got a major beat down because of that. Who knew she can fight like that." He said as I think I knew what he meant.

"Right I'll be on her good side."

'At least until she knows it's me.' I thought as I would fear what she'll do to me when she finds out the truth.

Time skip

Your POV

You finish the food just in time before someone came in. You manage to make some curry and rice even though you could have made something else but time was short and you haven't made curry for a while.

 You manage to make some curry and rice even though you could have made something else but time was short and you haven't made curry for a while

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"Alright, I hope they like it." You got the plates and serve rice and curry to everyone.

"Hey (F/n) are going to eat with us?" Ayano asked.

"Can't I have to check on the cook after I finish up here. Plus I'll be cooking until he gets better." You said as you stretch.

"Well guess we'll leave you alone," Yuki said a bit sad that you won't join them.

"Hey if you guys want you we can hang out tomorrow if the cook gets better. I kinda need help carrying the ingredients for tomorrow. I sorta notice we're low on ingredients today so to help him at ease I'll be going shopping tomorrow as early as possible." You said as you walk to get some more plates to serve.

"Yeah, we'll help you out now that you're extra busy," Ayano said as Ryo look like he'll be dead.

"Oh come on Ryo your one of the strongest guys I know. And I need men to help carry the bags." You said as he smirked.

"That's right I am one of the strongest to ever live." He started laughing.

'Works every time.' Ayano and Yuki thought as Ryo fell the oldest trick in your book.

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