Chapter 2: Everything is going to be 'fine' .

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Luhan's POV

"Luhannie. Stop crying. I'm going to be alright okay," mom said with her hoarse voice trying to make me feel better. 

I knew that she wasn't going to be alright. She's just lying. I stood up and wiped off my tears and tried to fake a smile.

She continued,"It's my fault. I should've concentrated on the road instead of wandering off. I'm sorry Luhan and Mei Yun. Please forgive me. If....," she hesitates ,"If.... w-w-when I'm gone. B-but don't be sad because I-I'm going to meet your late father later on."

"Mom, don't say that you're going to fine mom," Mei Yun murmured and mom faked a smile trying to convince us that she's fine.

"Yeah. Mom don't say like tha-"


The heart monitored sounded. Mei Yun came crashing onto the floor crying her heart out while I hugged my mom with disbelief that she's gone.

"Mom, don't leave us. Mom! Please don't."I cried.

The nurses tried to bring us out of the room while they covered her body with cloth.

Mei Yun ran out to the lobby and sat down. I went after her to make sure that she was fine.

"Lu-Luhan," Mei Yun stammered


I calmed down after awhile and sat down beside Mei Yun on a bench.

"What do we do now Luhan? Mom is.. gone"

"Well, I don't know. Don't stress yourself. Okay? C'mon lets go home."

I extended out a helping hand to help her get up. I can tell that she was still shocked by her facial expression. I guided her to the parking lot and to my car. I helped her to buckle up the seat belt and went over to the driver's seat.                                                                                                                                         

When we reached home, I noticed that Mei Yun was sleeping so I carried her bridal style to her bed room and l laid her down on her bed I quietly removed her shoes and tucked her in under her blanket. I left her room and went to the living room to rest for awhille. 

When I sat down, I was restless because I'm going back to Korea tomorrow evening and Mei Yun doesn't have anyone to live with her when I'm gone. 'She's not even legal yet to live on her own now.' I thought.

I took out my cell phone and dialled Kris hyung's number.

"Yeoboseyo?" Kris answered

"Yeah hey uhm. Uhm. It's Luhan."

"Oh hey hyung. Whats up?"

"Uhm . I've a bad news to tell you. My mom... she passed away earlier and uh as you can see I've a baby sister and uh can she move in with us? Because firstly, she's not old enough and I don't want her to live on her own."

"Uh sure. So I guess that guest room is going to be hers then and Luhan..I'm sorry for your loss. I'll pick you both up tomorrow night from the airport alright? Okay don't stress too much. Bye Luhannie!"

I ended the call and sighed in relief.


Mei Yun's POV

'How did I get here?' I thought, looking around in my bedroom.

I sat up and I remembered what happened earlier. I blanked out for awhile thinking about my mom. 'I bet she's happy that she reunited with dad.' I was still confused and in complete deniel knowing that my mom is dead. 'But why did she leave us? Were we too much of a burden?' All sorts of questions popped up but they still remained unanswered.

I got up, rubbing my eyes lightly and as I was reaching my hand out to the door knob I realised that I was still in my hoodie and jeans so I decided to go shower before going down to the living room.

Then, I grabbed my towel and my PJ's and headed to the shower, hoping i could get things off my mind when I'm done.

I placed my PJ's and towel on the towel racks and slipped every piece of clothing off me and got into the shower.

The water was cold because I forgot to turn on the water heater on outside. In the end, I took a quick shower just to refresh myself because I was too lazy to get outside the bathroom and turn the the water heater on.

I stepped out of the shower, shivering due to the cold water and wiped off the water using the towel. I slipped into my PJ's and dried my hair as fast as I could and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

When I got out of the bathroom, I went down the stairs and peeked into the living room to see if Luhan was there and he was, watching tv, but probably spacing out.

I tiptoed nearer to him and yelled in his ear , " LUHANNNNN!"

.He sprang up from the couch and rubbed his ear, pouting.

"Why did you do that?"

"Uhm nothing. Sorry just wanted to say hi to my brother," I said while ruffling his hair, making it as messy as possible.

He sat back down and shook his head while patting the seat, signalling me to sit next to him.

"Mei Yun ah. I've something to tell you."

"What is it?"I asked out of curiousity.

"Mei Yun, you're gonna move into my dorm with the other Exo-M members."

"Wait what? Are you serious? You know you don't have to. I'm old enough to take care of myself."

"No no. Don't worry you'll get your own room okay and no my baby sister isn't going to live on her own without me."

"B-but Luhan-" He covered my mouth with his hand and continued, "I don't wanna part with my sister. Please. Lets move to Seoul okay? Pack your stuffs , we're moving tomorrow."

I nodded slightly and let out a small sigh.

"Wait. What about school?"

"Don't worry. Kris has got it covered.You'll be going to the same school as Chanyeol, Sehun, D.O and Kai." He replied and let out a wide smile.

I bit my lip nervously thinking about all the negative things that could happen in your new school. But luckily , you already took classes to learn Korean language so it wasn't a problem for you.

'Time passes so fast eh?' I thought and let out a chuckle.

"Well...," Luhan begins while standing up and stretching his muscles, "I'm gonna go and have a super long bathe and sleep."

"Okay. Nights Lulu! Remember, don't stress yourself."

"Yeah. You too. Don't stay up too late. You have alot to do in the morning before we depart to Seoul in the evening," Luhan said while patting my head and then he ran off to the bathroom.

"Moving to Seoul eh? I hope it'll turn out to be better than I expected."


Soooo, that was the second chapter of this fanfic and I'm trying to write many chapters as fast as possible because holidays are  coming to an end and yeah. please recommend and share my fanfic :b hehe thanks 

much love xoxo - syahirah

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