Embarrassing Moments with Dragon! Pt. 1

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If you didn't sing the title the way the lady sang it in Phineas and Ferb when they showed the 'Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated' building, you are weird.


This is embarrassing moment numero uno with me, Dragon!

Do you all know the song, Bed Rock? If not, it's up there on the top; please listen to it!

So that song came on the radio one day and my friend's mom was driving me home after school because my dad had to work a little later. 

Her mom was just going to stay with me until he got home, along with her daughter (who is younger than me). When we pulled up into my driveway, the song Bed Rock came on.

Mind you, I was probably seven or eight years old.

Me and my dummy dumb self thought he was saying 'bed right.' As in, 'I can make your bed right girl' instead of 'I can make your bed rock girl.' 

So when she shut the car off and we were hopping out I said, "I wish he could come make my bed right! I hate making my bed!"

News flash, I still hate making my bed. I mean, what's the point? No one should be going in my room when I'm not in it so who is going to see the messy bed? I'm just gonna mess it up when I go to sleep again anyway. Plus, I hate sleeping with a comforter. I always end up kicking it off of the bed in my sleep.

Uh sorry for that mini rant..... What was I talking about again?

Oh yeah!

My friend's mom looked at me and said, 'That's not what he was saying.' 

She didn't explain, just left it at that and we went into the house. I probably just looked at her in confuzzlement but forgot about it as soon as I got inside.

I always remembered this event, but didn't understand what it meant for YEARS.


I think I was 12 or 13, (lol I'm 15 now) when I realized what he was saying in the song. I heard it on Spotify Web Player or Pandora or something— maybe on my radio that has SpongeBob's face on it— who knows? 

I had to listen to it again and when I heard it my jaw dropped. I had to rewind the song bruh. 

My face held nothing but pure and utter shock as I stared, horrified, into space.

I mean think about it!

Think about what I said when I was younger!

And that too when an adult was right there!

Omg I can't with myself. 

I blame my dad.

I literally knew anything about 'dirty jokes/sexual innuendos' until sixth grade. I was 10 when I started sixth grade. Iyiyi! 

Seriously the things you learn in middle school... *shivers*

What? I am cold!


Crazy stuff tho right?

Wanna know what's worse? 

I've had even more embarrassing instances than that!

I guess you'll just have to wait to hear about them though ;)

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