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In response to Feminist_Ideologies's question: Why are men still choosing to be so ignorant about feminism?:

Because some women/girls call themselves feminists but are really man haters or just people who confuse men. Some people confuse feminism for hatred of men. 

Like some women say "Oh I have arms I can open the door myself" then get mad if a guy doesn't go out of his way to open the door for them. There's a difference between being a womanizer and a gentleman, but some women are shïtting on the whole idea of feminism by doing dumb shizzle like that. 

What are men supposed to do in that situation? For them, there would be no right answer. Sure, some men are a-holes, but not all of them are. The good guys are painted in a bad light because of the jerks, but also because of the women. 

Apparently most women go for jerks and a-holes AND say that feminist shizzle so the guy just continues to be the jerk that he is. Obviously a jerk is a jerk so... men are going to continue to be viewed from that one particular group, jerks. 

Not trying to take sides, just being real. I'm a female and I support feminism, but only if it is done right. They probably don't even know the true meaning of feminism anymore because people stay fücking it up. 

But that's just my opinion, I'm sure you'll disagree and say all men are pigs (which, to an extent, I can somewhat agree with) but I think some guys don't get enough credit. 

A lot of my friends are pretty awesome gentleboys (hey, they're not over 18). Yes, they apparently cheat on their girlfriends, but chances are their girlfriends are cheating on them too (literal fact of this day and age). 

All my friends, yes even girls, have legs, or side pieces. But if you decide to push that flaw away, they are amazing people with great manners. I think people just need to realize what feminism really is and women need to go about using the term correctly, not just throwing it around in every situation where it isn't needed.

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