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Yesterday (or Friday) at swim practice my coach said: "Good Morning," even though it was evening (6:20 something p.m.)

He does this all the time. He says it is because he doesn't see us in the morning, but it is weird because then he doesn't say good evening, even though that is the time he sees us.

So me being extremely pensive that day (for some unknown reason), I thought and thought and thought and suddenly realized, we don't see him in the afternoon either, yet he doesn't say good afternoon!

So.... I gave him some phrases that I came up with to make it all better! :D

ϟ Mornfternoon!

ϟ Mornoon!

ϟ Afterning!

ϟ Morafter!

ϟ Morafterning!

Of course, since he is boring, he just looked at me like I was crazy, which I am.

Oh yeah, one more thing. You should pronounce these words in a British accent, it sounds soooo much cooler. ;)

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