Chapter 31 - London

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Claire's POV

"I quit."

I gave Charles, my evil, annoying, and obnoxious boss, my letter of resignation. He looked at the envelope that I placed on his desk, then looked back at me like I was crazy.

"Claire Evans, I don't think you're carefully thinking about this." He said with a smirk which usually means he's just faking it.

"I thought about it for the past few weeks, and I made my decision." I said as I grabbed my purse and jacket from the seat across him. His smile was still fixed on his face as he watched me carefully.

"Oh, I'm actually surprised you think you can just quit like this."

I sighed, really pissed off now, before I walked close to him and spilled everything that I was keeping for years, "Charles, you are a Grade A buffoon who thinks he's something, but guess what, you're not! You harass your employees, you promised to train me when you hired me yet the biggest training you ever gave me was making coffee for you seven times a day! I'm done! I want to go to college and actually be something. Now screw you and your ugly smile. I'm outta here."

I walked out of his office and slammed his door shut. That guy really riles me up so bad. Good thing I'm finally done.

I looked at Jas, who was waiting outside Charles' office. He had a big grin on his face, which clearly states that he was listening to the whole conversation.

"Was I that loud?" I asked as a small laugh escaped my lips.

He pretended to think about it before he replied, "not really, maybe half of this office stopped what they were doing to listen to you."

I mentally face-palmed myself. But I don't care now, I'm out from this miserable job.

"I don't know how you got an internship though, you're still in high school." He asked as he grabbed my hand. 

"Well that's why connections are important." I smiled as we walked out of the building. We reached his car and he stopped. I looked at him with question in my eyes as he stared at me.

"What is it?"

He couldn't say anything. He just looked at me with calculating eyes. I grew more impatient until I nudged him with my elbows.

"Claire," he started, choosing his words carefully, "I..."

I became nervous. It's going to be a bad news...I can feel it.

"I'm moving to London this summer."

I stared at him as I tried to take in what he said. No...he couldn't...

"Cool, i'll be seeing you after summer...right?" I smiled at him, hiding my worry with an optimistic tone. 

He shook his head slowly and held my hands, "No Claire...I'm moving there permanently."

It's like my heart stopped beating. I became lightheaded and I tried to make myself calm, but it won't happen. No matter how much I tried to tell myself to breathe, I couldn't. 

"W-w-what...what do you mean?" my voice shook.

Jas sighed and he gave me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry Claire, it's my mom. She's not doing well and I just got the news that she's in critical condition now."

His mom. I remember when he told me that his mom has cancer. It must've gone to terminal stage...

"H-how...I...." I couldn't find words to speak. Tears started falling down my eyes as he pulled me into a hug.

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